Chapter 5.... Have I Lost My Mind

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Shelby's Pov

"Two rum and coke, double shot vodka seven and three Coors. Im also gonna need six shots of Tequila." Gabby one  of the other waitresses on shift called out as she placed he drink tray on the bar counter. "God what I wouldn't do to get my hands on a man like that."

"What?" I mumbled with my head down searching the want adds. Focus I had barley notice Gabby was standing beside me.

"Whatcha got there?" Without waiting for an answer Gabby pulled the help wanted section of the paper from my hands. Her eyes quickly scanning what I had circled she gave me a look of shock. "Your looking for another job? You can leave McCully's, I thought you liked it here."

"I do," I sighed leaning back in my chair running my hands through my hair. "I'm not leaving just trying to find another job to add."

"Another job, seriously?" Pausing long enough to thank Aaron as he placed her drinks orders on her tray. "You work an insane amount of hours here. You may be a work horse but even work horse need to sleep at some point."

"I know but Mike didn't work for so long and were so far behind." It was embarrassing to admit to financial problems but we had worked together for so long Gabby had become a friend instead of a coworker. "Problem is when all you have done is sling drinks and food for a living that's all your qualified for. Hurray minimum wage here I am knocking on your door."

"It may not be my place to say but you honestly deserve better than Mike." Gabby's forwardness took me off guard, "All I see is that you are the one always sacrificing. Relationships need to go both ways."

"You've been listening to Rory and she's not Mikes  biggest fan." With my break coming to an end I stuffed the rest of my chicken burger in my mouth. "Mikes been trying lately. We just need a break that's all."

"You know you don't have to necessarily keep the first fish you catch. God help me if I had to keep mine." It was just a brief nod towards the corner of the bar but I knew exactly what table Gabby was talking about. "Or have you forgotten there are other fish in the sea. Ones actually worth keeping."

"Ya okay I'll get right on that one." I rolled my eyes, "Cause men like that are interested in average joes like me."

"Who are we talking about?" Rory asked as she came up to the bar with her drink order. "I like gossip as much as the next girl."

"We were talking about all the other fish in the sea besides Mike." Gabby's smile was one of wicked delight. "Or maybe a certain fish named Noah."

Casually glancing over her shoulder Rory was all smiles when she looked back. "The man is yummy."

"Yummy," Gabby laughed as she loaded her tray with drinks. "He should come with a warning label."

I glanced between the two girls at Noah Hudson for a moment. I couldn't dispute a single word they had said. His cole black hair in combination with his chiseled feature and full lips made him look like a movie star.  Clearly he worked out as you could see his muscular physic well defined beneath the business suits he always wore. If I were to be honest I couldn't decide if it was his dimples or his silken voice that made me drool more.

"Wake up call ladies. Thats no fish in the sea but a shark. He's super rich, beyond sexy and worst of all he knows it. Look at the way he lets women fawn all over him. The man is probable so high on himself." Of course this was only an assumed guess as we had never spoke to each other past getting his drink orders.

Looking between my friends I shook my finger at them. "Men like Noah Hudson are trouble from word one. Bad boys are fun at first until you get hurt. You should try stability you just might like it."

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