Chapter 7

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My heart was beating so hard I thought I was going to black out. I turn around to make sure he was talking to me. Although he did say my name I just needed to make sure.
Lori: I don't know what to say...
Eric: Maybe a yes....
Eric: What do you say?
Lori:Can I have some time to think about it?
Eric:Sure..whenever your ready?
Eric:I guess I'll go home now it's getting late so get home safely...see you later!!!
Lori:Ok bye...

I started to walk to the train station just wondering to myself..."Well that wasn't expected".

When I got home, I didn't know whatto do so I just called Priti because she'd be able to help me think about this. So I call her...
Priti:Holo...u need something?
Lori:Yeah, let me just cut to the chase...Eric asked me out today what do I do?
Priti:Bruh, is that even a question? Stop being dumb!
Lori:Thing is middle school is short. I mean like we're in 8th grade and I don't want a short lasted relationship.
Priti:Well do what you desire. Because, this is a decision I can't make for you. You are kind of deciding your future so...
Jerin: Ok thanks, I'll talk to you later.
Priti:K, bye.

That phone call didn't help as much as I wanted it to so I just sat on my bed for an hour thinking about this.

"Hmm, if I date him then my wish will come true. However, I want it to last long. But, you're supposed to live life to the fullest. Take what you can get. But, it'll be so sad because we are going to Highschool."

I sat on my bed for an hour thinking about this...listening to music, eating food, doing whatever I could to help me think. And then, I finally came to a consensus.

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