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Meanwhile, in the streets of Manhattan three beauty's walk down the street.
"Daddy said not to go downtown!" Peggy said tugging on Eliza's blue dress
"Like I said your free to go!" She said sweetly. She removed Peggy from tugging on her dress and gave her a kiss on the nose
"Okay Guys we are here!" Angelica, the oldest sister says to the other two
"Angelica remind me what we're looking for, please." Eliza, the middle child said
A group of men came up to them "she's looking for me!" They exclaim. Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy push past them. They were used to this kind of thing. But they hated it. They just kept talking to eachother as they make there way down the streets of New York City

The trio of men started to walk out of the bar. But ten seconds later they came back
"What up? Why did you come back?" John Laurens asks them
"The Schuyler sisters are here!" They all yell at the same time. All of them get up and walk outside.

"Excuse me miss, your perfume smells like ya daddy's got money!" Burr says walking right up to Angelica.
Angelica looks at her two sisters, they look at him with  disgust "Burr you disgust me" She replied
"Come on, I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me!" And with that Burr gets pushed out of the way
"You want a revolution, I want a revolation! Do listen to my declaration!" Angelica exclaimed

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." The sisters yell doing some kind of dance
"And when I meet Thomas Jefferson, imma compel him to include women in the sequel!" Angelica yelled
"Work!" They all spoke and walked away. Continuing to laugh and talk to each other think nothing happened

"Okay that was odd.." Matthias said as he froze looking at the sisters walk away "why did they come down to NYC?"
"I know!" Lafayette and Francis day at the same time "A winter's ball! It's in a couple of weeks!"
"Well in that  case, should we go out and get something nice?" Alexander asked
"We can where our blue coats!" Burr exclaimed
"Think about it Alex; a girl loves a man in a uniform. Fighting for our country!"
"I don't know about you Alexander but I think it's sexy!" John said smirking at Alexander
Alexander blushed a small bit "yah, okay." 

They walked down the streets and noticed a man a level higher then everyone, holding a scroll "Hear-ye,  hear-ye. My name is Samuel Seabury! And I present 'Free thoughts of the proceedings of the continental congress!" The more he read the more Alexander got angry

"I swear I'm gonna kill this guy!" He mutters. He starts to walk towards Samuel but Burr holds him back
"Let him be." Burr tells Alex. He lets go of Alex and soon enough Alex is up where Samuel is, debating with him in front of a thousand people

"My dog speaks more eloquent than thee!" Alexander spits at him
"I pray the king shows you his mercy!" Samuel try's to still proclaim and read the scroll
"Is he in Jersy?" Alexander makes fun of him
"For shame!" Samuel yells
"For the revolution!" Alexander yells back
"For shame!" Samuel yells louder
"For the revolution!" Alex and his friends yell. Burr gets sick of this and pulls Alexander down form the pedestal.
"Alexander Please!" He says obviously annoyed
"Burr I rather be divisive! Drop the niceties-!"

"Silence! A message from the king! A message from the king!" All of the sudden a sea of red coats ((a Red Sea!))  swarm around one place and out comes ...

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