Surprises and Victory

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Eliza is there and she is tubing her belly "Alexander.. There is something important I need to tell you." She told me.
"What is it?" I sound a bit nervous and sit beside her on our bed
"I went to the doctors today.. And I found out.. we are having a baby."
My eyes went wide "You.. Pregnant!" I smile "Oh my god! Your pregnant!" I hug Eliza gently. "I'm so happy for you."
"I could have done it without you!" She smiled and kissed my forehead. I can't believe I'm gonna have a son!!

The battle of Yorktown! in 1781! I'm finally in command of my own group of men! Before the battle we had planed our attacks. Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert will be scattered around Chesapeake bay. Laurens, Mulligan, and Lafayette scattered in South Carolina. John mainly staying there.

The only person I could mostly see and fight with was Gilbert. And let me tell you, he is amazing! He shot down so many redcoats in the front lines! Hurc was  spying on the British government! He told us there every plan, move, weapon, attacks, everything! My god we destroyed them!

After a week of fighting a red coat stands on a podium waving a white flag. We lower our guns. We count our dead, we tend to the wounded. Black and white soldiers won't under alike if this really means freedom. We walk single file, ten and thousands of people flood the streets. There are church bell ringing, people yelling, congratulating us on the victory. "The world turn upside down!" I hear some people sing a drinking song.

A couple days later after recovering from the war we had a party to celebrate our victory. Besides from that nothing has really changed. But there was one big change... For me and Burr..

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