Where is my son!

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I haven't seen Philip much after that.. The last time we had a real meaningful conversation was when we talked about what happened.

But that was then! Now Eliza has learned to live with me. Philip, is now 19! Wow right! So he comes up to me when I was going to put away some paper and documents.
"Pops if you would heard the shit he said about you; I doubt you would have let it slid and I was not about you!"
"Slow down what are you talking about?"
"George Eaker! He was talking shit about you!"
"Okay clam down-"
"I need your advice this is my very first duel."
"Your duelling?"
"Well yah! Of course!"
"Okay. When you get there. Stand strong like a man when the time comes fire your gun in the air."

"What! He's gonna shoot! I'm gonna be a goner!"
"No, he won't shoot if he is truly s man of honour. To take someone's life that is something you can't shake. Philip your mother can't talk another heart break!"
"Take my guns be smart. Make me proud son." I smile as he walks away to the duel.

I waited for my dear Philip to come home, alive from the duel. Praying no one got hurt. Next thing I know... I'm running down the streets to the hospital
"WHERE IS MY SON!" I yell in tears
"Mr. Hamilton, they got him in a half an hour ago-"
"Is he alive?"
"Yes but he lost a lot of blood-"
"Can I see him! Please!" I don't care if I can't see him I am going to see him! No one can say no!

Philip looks at me with tears in his eyes and a smile smile on his face "pa.. I did exactly as you said pa! I held my head up high!"
I held his hand "shh I know I know.. You did everything just right! Just save your strength and stay alive!"
As soon as I say that Eliza rushes in

"Is he breathing is he gonna survive this! Who did this Alexander did you know?!"
Philip reaches out for her "Mom.. I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me!"
"My son!" She held him close
"You taught me piano! I'd change the line every time."
"Shh I know, I know. Shh I know, I know.. Un dux toi.." They started to count in French.. He stopped at 7..
"Sepht.. NNOOOO!!" Eliza screams. I cry so hard, hugging Philip's dead body.

O u r
      S o n
                              F O R E V E R !

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