Future Step Dad

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I tossed my bag angrily in my room, stripping out of my school uniform. I was furious with my ex boyfriend, he had grabbed my ass in front of the whole student body. I was beyond embarrassed, he didn't seem to mind at all. Instead he winked and said I had a nice ass.

Slamming my bathroom door shut, I turned the warm water on. Quickly getting into the shower, I relaxed at the sensation.

I've been on edge a lot lately. Especially when mom was about to marry a very hot young guy. Harry Styles. He was 23 and mom was 36, I didn't see how he liked her. It was gross to me, mom dating a guy only five years older than me. It made me cringe.

Not only that, I had already seen him naked, twice. He had forgotten that he was now living with a teenage girl as well as his fiancé.

Wrapping a towel around my body, I scurried back into my room, turning up the heater. Looking through my drawers, I pulled on some long black fluffy socks that reached above my knees. Slipping on some lace underwear, I grabbed my best friend's big shirt that fell off one of my shoulders and went down to mid thigh.

"Y/N! Food's here." Let me tell you something quickly, my mother loved to eat out, so she always ordered pizza or Chinese or whatever. I didn't like getting big, so i did work outs and exercises daily, making me as fit as i can be.

"Coming!" I yelled back, wondering what today's grand food will be.

Trudging down the stairs I combined my hair, sweeping it all to one side. Stopping dead in my tracks, I cringed at the sight of Harry and mom lip locking on the counter.

"Ewww, guys really? PDA!" I groaned grabbing three slices of pepperoni pizza and some bread sticks.

"Oh shut the fuck up, you'll know what it's like when you find someone you love." My mom smirked, OK so maybe she didn't like me as much as my brother who was fine with mom dating a guy two times, maybe three times, younger than her.

"Y/M/N, Please don't curse at her, she's only eighteen. Of course she doesn't want to see her mom and future dad kissing." Harry smiled down at me. Stupid tall guy, with his curls in a quiff, and big green eyes.

"Yeah, thank you Harry." I smirked at my mom before grabbing a diet coke and heading to the lounge with them on my trail.

"Y/N, I think you should wear more clothes. That shirt is getting to old." Mom said behind me, I rolled my eyes and sat down on the love seat, curling my legs under me.

"Why?" I asked, she gave Harry a glance, I looked at Harry and his eyes were trailing down my body. She was jealous, about Harry checking me out. Wow.

"I think it's fine that Y/N trusts me enough to wear things like that, knowing I would never take advantage of her like that." He may have spoken those words, but his eyes didn't leave my legs.

"Harry, can we just watch the movie. I hate how your always on her side." Did my mother just whine?

"Sorry, baby." I narrowed my eyes at my mother, he was too hot for her.

After the movie was over, we all went our separate ways. Mother went to go get ready to go teach night classes at the university close by, Harry went to his and mom's room, and i went into my room.

I had fallen asleep around eleven. I didn't know what time it was when I had woken up with the loud thundering.

My eyes widened as lightening and thunder boomed in the sky, grabbing my blankets, I wrapped them tighter around me.

"Y/N, are you okay, baby?" My eyes went to the opened door, Harry stood there with a worried expression.

I shook my head, afraid out of my mind. He walked over to my bed, sitting by my shaking frame.

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