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I tugged my jacket tighter around my body, cursing the cold air that skimmed the exposed skin of my thighs.

I had worn a skirt with socks that reached above my knees, thinking that one; it would look cute, and two; it wouldn't be this cold. But i was wrong.

I entered the small cafe that i usually went to after my classes were done with.

I was greeted by the familiar girl at the counter, but instead of drinking my coffee there with her, i explained that i needed to study, holding up my book that i held in my hands.

I sat in the back, almost hidden, but i needed light, so i sat next to the window; the grey clouds weren't much help with my light needing conflict.

I set my coffee down and curled my knees toward my chest. I opened my book and skimmed to the chapter i was on.

I quickly got into my book, trying to remember things that felt important.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" A raspy voice shook me out of my book, making me look up at the cocky sounding stranger.

"Do i know you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"No, baby, but i know you." This confused me even more.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm your roommate's ex-boyfriend, she hid me in the closet a few times while you were changing. I still have to thank you for those shows." His green eyes twinkled with amusement while his lips formed into a smirk showing off a pair of dimples.

As handsome as he was, i couldn't help but give him a look of disgust.

"If i don't know you personally than why would you come up to me? Especially if you were going to tell me something like that." I gave him a small glare.

"Woah babe, calm down, would ya. I don't mean any harm." The taunting tone in his voice said otherwise.

"I have to study..." I muttered hoping he would get the hint.

He gave me an amused grin and sat right next to me on the couch, making me pull my knees tighter against my chest.

"Go on then, a girl with some brains, that sounds sexy enough."

"Enough for what?"

"Sexy enough to fuck, love."

My mouth went dry as my eyes met his.

"You must have the wrong girl." I snapped, shutting my book harshly and getting up off the couch, ignoring the fact that my coffee was still on the table; full too.

I quickly made my way out of the cafe, wanting nothing more than to go back to my dorm and rest there. Not to mention getting away from this horny freak.

I was walking rather quickly when an arm gripped onto my waist, literally pulling me up from the ground.

"Hey! Let me go!" I exclaimed thrashing in the muscular hold.

"Love, you have got to learn how to use your manners, it's not nice to order people around."

I was pushed harshly against a large black vehicle, my mind going straight to the worst; i was getting kidnapped.

My eyes met a pair of green eyes, it was the man from the cafe. Of course it was him.

"Just for that I'm going to make sure your voice is gone by the time we're done fucking." He spoke harshly, the grip on my waist tightening with his every word.

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