Chapter Four: "2 and 1"

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     So this is what having real friends felt like. Happiness, laughing, and gleeful emotions. I don't think I've ever talked this much, and with so many people too! In the past, I didn't have many friends, maybe like two or three. But those friends were fake; they stabbed me behind my back. Justin and his friends are different. I could tell that they enjoyed my presence with them. I was touched when they all laughed and fell to the ground when I fired a stupid, but funny, joke. I think I'd fit in great in here, with them.

     But Justin had my attention the whole time. I feel guilty about stereotyping him like this, but he was like that one person in a squad who rarely talks until he is spoken to. I also feel bad about his friends tease him too and call him names in a friendly way.

     "Hey, Mr. Ching Chong!" they would say.

     But the way Justin glared into their eyes was actually pretty hot, I gotta admit. His eyebrows narrowed down and his expression would change. His dark eyes looked as if they could kill you, or turn you into stone just like Medusa. His nose was sharp, and so was his jawline. I swear his jawline could stab anyone. But, I loved every part of Justin.

     The bell had rung, and Justin told me that it signified that lunch was apparently over. I whined mentally because I wanted to talk more to Jackson, Riley, Izach, and everyone else. At least I had the rest of the periods with Justin, so I didn't feel completely alone.

     "I need to head to the bathroom really quick, you think you can wait for me in the hallway and hold my stuff?" Justin asked me as we walked past the boy's bathroom.

     "Yeah, totally. Is it heavy though?"

     "Of course not, I'm never gonna let you do anything that could risk your health. You just need to carry like, two notebooks and that's it." Justin handed me the notebooks as he responded to my question.

     I examined the notebooks that Justin gave me that moment. Woah, I thought. His handwriting is so pretty.

     "But, um, yeah. You think you'll be okay out here?"

     "Yeah, yeah. I'm good. I can take care of myself," I smiled at him.

     Justin laughed quietly, "If you say so. I won't take too long." He smiled and patted my shoulder as he walked towards the door of the boy's restroom.

     I blushed a deep shade of red when he patted my shoulder and smiled. I got quick chills when he made physical contact with me, and I felt my cheeks and ears fluster in heat. I stared at him leaving me and I ran my hand across my hair.

     "Wow.." I said quietly to myself. Did that actually just happen?

     I tried to get rid of that moment from my head, but it seemed impossible. Getting rid of Justin in my head was impossible. I leaned against the lockers beside the restroom Justin was in, and I just whistled as I waited for time to pass by.

     I actually didn't notice how thirsty I was until I blurted out a very silent burp, and I spotted a water fountain not too far away from the restroom. I began to approach it, still holding Justin's notebooks in my left hand.

     The books fell to the ground as one, taller student bumped into me down the hallway. I rushed to see if the notebooks were alright, and I sighed in relief when they were.

     "Hey, you piece of sh*t. Watch where you're going," said the guy whom I bumped into. There were two other males beside him. They looked very alike, too alike to tell them apart. I think they were twins. They were scary, and they seemed to tower over me.

     "I-I'm so sorry for bumping into you.." I kind of trailed off since I didn't know his name. I didn't really know what to say either.

     "The name's Loba, f***face. And if you forget the name, I'll make sure you remember in our next encounter."

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