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Ok, this has nothing to do with wattpad or art... It's a YouTube thing...

So it's like really weird for me but, you know how there's notifications for YouTube like if you get a comment on something you commented on?

So, I click on those often.. And I've been getting a LOT of likes on my comments... And I'm super confused yet also internally screeming...?

Like on the newest Jaiden Animations video.... I think I'm like 3 or 4 comments down from the top... (My username's MissPotacat if you want to check...) (and when I'm writing this 3/2/17 if your reading this later) (edit: It's now Øpt.HD-SPENCER)

And I got a love from a youtuber who does speed paints of generally Steven Universe stuff..... Her YouTube user is TheZodiacLord.... (Newest video on channel) And it was just me saying I wanted to join the rebellion she had..

Another is Reaction Time, I'm third or fourth down AGAIN because I put a comment of the 'Dog ate my homework' excuse... And it's on the 'Teachers that know how to deal with students'video.. And I'm on the 'Mandela affect' once again, third one down

Like holy fuck?! Am I magnet now...?

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