Blue Strawberry Dust

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School had ended for the day and Nana was going to bake a cake with his little sister. He was missing an ingredient, blue strawberry dust. What even was that? Well, it was his little sister who had looked up the recipe. He googled it and found out that a little, unknown, very creepy looking store, placed at the end of a dark alley was selling it. It didn't seem safe at all. But wtf it was Nana, he didn't care. He walked into the store and a little bell which was hanging on the door made an awful sound. The store was old, filled with random antiques and jars filled with who knew what. The whole place smelled rotten. Nana didn't like it a single bit.

"Hello?" he called out. Silence was the only thing that answered him. He started to walk around, taking a look at things. It was then he saw it. Not the blue strawberry dust but a little statue of a girl that looked exactly like Diamond. He wanted it so badly.

"It's not for sale, don't touch it!" a groggy voice came from behind. He jumped away, startled. "What are you looking for?" said the old lady, the owner of that groggy voice.

"Blu-blue strawberry dust", stammered Nanashima. The old lady went to the back to get the strawberry dust, whatever the fuck that was. He looked at the statue. It would just be mean to leave it here with the old hag. He would give it a better place to stand and look out from. Nanashima as the bad boy he was, took the statue and hid it under his shirt. The old lady came out with a jar.

"Isn't that just blue glitter?" Nana questioned.

"No! It's blue strawberry dust!" she snatched the money out of Nana's hand and returned to the back. "What a scam", Nana thought to himself. At least he got that statue.

The next morning something as breath-taking as Serinuma-sans transformation happened.

Nana woke up from his sleep. Great! He had missed his alarm. 30 minutes until school started. He ran down to the kitchen where his little sister sat down, patiently waiting for him to make her breakfast. He popped some toast into the toaster and started cutting up fruit.

"Who are you?" she asked confused, starring at her older brother. He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. The concern in her voice was too real to be faked.

"What do you mean? It's me Nanashima", but the moment he heard his voice he realized that something was up. He ran to the mirror just to find a gorgeous girl looking back at him. "AGHHHHH!" he screamed. What was even going on?! He started to touch his face in panic. Big emerald eyes with long lashes starred back at him. Long lushes locks where hanging loosely down to his ribs. He looked away in embarrassment and felt his chest. Yes, something was definitely not right.

"Onīsan, why are you a girl?" his little sister yawned. Right she hadn't gotten her breakfast yet and he was about to come late to school. He ran back to the kitchen to prepare her meal and ran up to his room to get dressed. Get dressed. Riiight. He was still a girl. How was that even possible. How could he just wake up as a girl? He couldn't go to school like this. He didn't even have a girl uniform. Damn.
"Onīsan, I'm going to school now", his little sister said and the door slammed. He sat down, head resting on his knees. What would he do? Who would you even call to get help? How could this happen to him? He needed help. Nishina! She knew everything! He would just call...he didn't have her number. He facepalmed. He would have to get to school to talk to her. He gritted his teeth and started to go through his mothers closet. He found some wearable clothes, he settled on a tank top and some shorts. He didn't want to deal with any of the skirts or dresses he found there. He brushed his hair and walked out.

Everyone was starring at him. Why were they staring? He walked through the hallway with his head down, trying to keep a low profile. It was hard, he didn't match the kids with their uniforms. Suddenly he was pushed to wall by Igarashi. Stupid Iga!

"Hi", Igarashi smiled still pinning Nana to the wall.

"Get away from me, Igarashi!" Nana yelled and pushed Iga away.

Blue strawberry dust and a girl named NanaWhere stories live. Discover now