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Veronica- you know, that's pretty accurate
Me- show it to Heather M, she was looking for an accurate meme earlier
Heather M- I was! and this is pretty accurate, I like it!
Me- huh, that's a first
Veronica- I just realized JD's in this picture, but I look like I'm being choked
Me- didn't he try to choke you though?
JD- actually yes, remember that one hug,
Veronica- The one I had to struggle to get out of
JD- why do you think you struggled?
Veronica- Oh my God!
Me- oh shit
Veronica- why though?
JD- I was feeling angsty
Me- that's not a good excuse
JD- *glares at me*
Me- Imma shut up now
Heather M- that's why I shut up a while ago
Me- I probably should have
Heather M- *whispers* let's lock the door on them and go to another meme
Me- good idea *sneaks out with heather and locks the door*
Jd- *tries to open door* goddamnit they locked us in
Veronica- they probably just wanted you in here away from them
Jd- I'm probably going to kick the door down so we can get out
Veronica- count to three first
Jd- okay 1...2...fuck it *kicks door open*
Veronica- it's pronounced three not fuck it
Jd- whatever at least we're free

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