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Me- yep, this is about right
Veronica- yeah 2016 sucked
Me- yeah, so many great stars died
Veronica- like who
Me- Gene Wilder, David Bowie, Prince, Alan Rickman, Carrie Fisher, and a couple others
Veronica- well at least 2016 is over
Me- yeah but 2017 isn't off to a great start either
Veronica- who died now
Me- Paul O'neil and a few actors I don't know
Veronica- Paul O'neil was the guy who started TSO right
Me- yep, my mom and I are huge fans of them and I was crushed when I heard he died
Veronica- but 2016 also had some good things
Me- true, I discovered Hamilton, and a bunch of other musicals, I became a roller coaster junkie, Rogue One hit box office success, and other good things happened in the world
Veronica- what about 2017 so far?
Me- a lot happened in the music industry, Star Wars released the teaser trailer for the last jedi and deadpool is getting another movie
Veronica- a lot with pop culture in general
Me- yep!

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