Chapter 9

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"(Y/n) (L/n)?" The doctor called to get the attention of who had come with her.

Marcus jumped up, a bit startled.

"Are you here for her?" The doctor asked and Marcus eagerly nodded his head.

All the girls looked jealous when they heard him say 'her'.

"I have good new and bad news. Good news, she's alive and you can see her. The bad news is...." He paused for a moment as if for dramatic effect.

"She's in a coma, and we aren't sure if or when she'll come out of it."

Marcus POV

I sat in the waiting room, my head in my hands thinking about the inevitability of me living without her. 'Its funny' I think to myself. 'How a girl I met a few days ago can change everything. Even how I feel.' The fangirls kept asking me weird questions like, marry me, or things like that. I ignored them, I can't deal with all of this right now.

"(Y/n) (L/n)?" The doctor said and my head immediately shot up. I jumped up.

"Are you here for her?" The doctor asked. I nodded my head as fast as I could. I could feel the girls' glares on me, but I easily shook them off.

"I have good new and bad news. Good news, she's alive and you can see her. The bad news is...." He paused for a moment as if for dramatic effect.

"She's in a coma, and we aren't sure if or when she'll come out of it." I felt my heart sink.

I fell to the floor on my knees, trying to take in what I just heard.

"Are you sure? Please, I need her." I said speaking from the heart.

"I'm sorry, are you Mr. (L/n)?" The doctor asked.

"No, Gunnarsen, Marcus Gunnarsen."

No one POV

The fangirls were basically raging at the fact Marcus had said he needed someone that wasn't them. They started posting it everywhere that Marcus was in a relationship and that they should hate on him.

Back to Marcus POV

"Can I see her?" I asked trying to fight off my tears.

"Yes, but please please keep your voice down. I can tell this girl is special to you, and I'm not supposed to be letting people see her, but I will make an acception." The doctor said winking at me.

He led me down a cold, empty hallway and to a door with her name on it. He left me there and said to remember his words. I didn't want to open the door, but I had to see her. I slowly pushed the door open, and my eyes slowly filled to the brim with tears. Her body was covered in bandages from all the gashes, under the bandages he could only imagine the stitches they had to give her. She had a small gash, It looked more like a deep scratch, that went across her eyelid. 'It's all my fault.' I thought to myself as I sat next to her. I lightly grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it slightly. My phone buzzed, it was Martinus and Katie. I added them to a group chat when I was waiting.

"How is she?" Katie asked.

"Not good." I replied.

"It'll be okay I promise." Martinus sent trying to comfort his brother.

'Don't worry (Y/n), we'll get through this together.

Time skip to 3 weeks

No one's POV

It's been three weeks and Marcus has barely left the hospital. He stopped going to school and cut off almost all communication. His parents are worried as well as his brother. They understand what he's going through and help him get through it. It hasn't been easy, especially since they're thinking of un-plugging her if she doesn't wake up soon. Her wounds have barely healed, especially the deep ones. Marcus is currently asleep with his hand in hers.

(Y/n) pov

I'm floating in darkness, it feels warm and safe. I don't know where I am, I don't want to leave. I've lost track of time, so I don't know how long I've been here. I can't feel the pain of my wounds so I only assume I've passed on. Is this what the afterlife is like? I wonder around in the darkness until I come across a woman dressed in all white.

"W-Who are you? Do you know where I am?" I asked the woman while moving closer.

"(Y/n), I know you like it here, but you must go back, it's not your time yet." The woman said in a soothing voice.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked.

The woman said nothing but pointed at a screen, there I saw Marcus. He looked terrible, he was holding the hand of a body I can only assume is my own. I felt my heart beat quicken as sadness overwhelmed me.

"I-I want to go back! I want to go back to Marcus!" I shouted.

All of a sudden I'm enveloped in a bright light and I'm back to reality. I'm blinded as I close my eyes, I can smell the disinfectants (Idk you guys know the smell I'm talking about in hospitals XD) It's a little hard to breathe, my throat is dry. 'I guess I'm alive.' I think as everything starts to come back to me. I try to lift my hand but I can't. I see Marcus sleeping on the bed. I'm too weak to move my hand so I gently squeezed his hand with all of my might. He stirred and groggily sat up. He opened his eyes, and when they landed on me, they brightened and went as wide as they could go.

"(Y-y/n), you-you're okay!" He yelled as he hugged the life out of me.

I tried to say something but I coughed instead.

No one POV

"Hold on, I'll get the nurse." Marcus said as he pressed the red button on the wall.

A nurse ran in here thinking something was wrong, but she smiled as she saw (Y/n) awake. She went to get the doctor and a glass of water because she knew the girl must be dying of thirst. After getting the girl water the nurse called the doctor. He came in and was surprised of (Y/n)'s recovery. Marcus quickly texted Katie and Marcus and told them the news so they could come over immediately since it's been rough on all of them. 

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