Chapter 10

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Martinus and Katie came rushing in, eager to see their friend. They busted in and (Y/n) was startled awake. The two didn't even notice Marcus wasn't in the room as they started squeezing the life out of her.

"THANK GOD YOU'RE AWAKE!" They said almost in unison.

(Y/n) only seemed to notice that they had grown closer over the period of time that she was unconscious.

Time skip till after talking

Everyone had reunited, but the guys kept wondering why her parents never came to see her. (Y/n) was much better and the cuts and scars were healing nicely. They decided to let her out if the hospital that day since she seemed to be able to walk okay. She had a lot of trouble doing so though since her legs were also cut pretty badly. The nurse offered to get her a wheelchair but Marcus didn't hesitate to offer to carry her. She was pretty light, especially from laying in a hospital bed for so long so he easily carried her. He was careful not to hurt her since she was still pretty fragile. But they eventually made their way to the front desk. She gave them very detailed instructions on what to do and that she needed A LOT of rest. They called their parents and they picked them up, (Y/n) sat in the middle with Katie and fell asleep during the ride home. She fell asleep with her head on Marcus's shoulder, he laid his head on hers and fell asleep as well.

Time skip through recovery because i'm running out of ideas ;)

(Y/n) had fully recovered by then. She was ecstatic because she had just gotten back from the doctor and he said was perfectly fine aside from the scars. Which may go away on their own in time. She was hanging out at her own home writing some stories. She had a lot of free time since she couldn't go out.

What's happening at the Gunnarsen household:

Marcus was currently very nervous. He was trying to figure out how to ask (Y/n) out on a date. His brother was helping him. They decided they'd go see a movie then go to Olive Garden, then Martinus had an amazing idea.

"How about I ask Katie out on a double date? That way it won't be as awkward."

"That's an amazing idea!" Marcus exclaimed.

He ran over to (Y/n's) house to ask her in a romantic way. He texted (Y/n) and told her to come outside.

Your POV :)

I was working on a story when I got a text from Marcus telling to come outside. I walked to my door and when I opened it I was shocked. There was Marcus, in a tux, kneeling on the ground with flowers in his hand.

"(Y/n), I've liked you for a while now, and I wanted to ask before someone else took you but. Would you like to go out on a date with me?" And he smiled.

My heart melted and tears formed.

"Yes!" I said.

We hugged and he said. "Tomorrow with Katie and Martinus. We'll pick you guys up at 5."

He gave me one last hug and left feeling happy. I called Katie and she came over to get ready... 

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