Chapter 3

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Girls from each building are piled up together on one side of a room. The guards form us together in an odd shape of this huge white room and then stand in their places to make sure we don't move. I try to analyze the room to see if I can guess what we are going to be doing as a first challenge, but this room is completely barren of any items or objects that would be used for anything. A familiar guard in white and black clothes gains the attention of the crowd and speaks up when the room fell silent.

"I am Ian, the first guard you will see on this island, and the last one if you leave." He says with a smirk playing on his face at the end of his sentence. "This first challenge will be a test of balance. You cannot afford a single shake or slip during this test, or else you will die."

The group of girls around me gasp and start whispering. Voices fill the room and echo off the white walls and back into my ears. The guard, Ian, holds his hands up to silence us again and commands us to start the test.

"Alright. Everyone balance on one foot. No touching your neighbors and if you fall, you're out." After he is done talking, everyone obeys and lifts their weakest foot up. I do the same and look around to see some girls already struggling.

I don't understand the meaning of this trivial assignment. I could easily cheat and bend down to where I am sitting on my left foot while keeping my right one from touching the ground. This way, I am still balancing on one foot yet being able to keep more balance. Some girls have already fallen and tried to make it seem like they didn't fail the task.

The man smirks more and shakes his head. "This was just a warm up. Let's reveal the actual test." He nods his head to another fellow guard and the lights in the room flicker. The floor beneath us shakes and most of us fall to the ground. The ground we weren't standing on started to fall down into darkness below and shift like an earthquake split. My friends start to grab onto each other and me as sounds of rushing water fills the room of screams. When the ground started to stabilize itself, I was one of the first to stand back up. I am near the edge of the split and can see that the ground has turned into a cliff made of rock instead of solid tile floors.

The walls had disappeared and reveal beautiful trees in the distance while the ceiling shows nothing but a clear blue sky and a synthetic sun shining down on us. I can tell this is all fake because we are still in a room. This all must be a trick for the game.

There is a thick tree trunk that looks like had fallen over the cliff and landed on the other side of the split ground. Under the trunk is about a 300ft drop with a running river below. The girls directly in front of the log are lined up in groups of five.

"You will each walk across this log to the other side. There are no rails and no safety net at the bottom. If you slip, you will fall down into the river and fail the challenge. Groups of five will go at a time and you will not be picking your groups. I wish you luck." Ian announces before smirking again and signaling the guards by the log to pull the first group of girls onto the log.

Ana's face pales as she stares at the girls wobbling on the first step. Ana is the smallest out of all of us and will do well on the balancing portion, but I know she will have trouble with heights. Kyira hugs her to get her attention away from the task ahead of us. We are grouped up together with another girl and are next up after a handful of groups have already went. Ana is the first in line with me next, Kyira, Tanaka, and another girl that was grouped up with us.

I steady my breathing and say a silent prayer for my friends to stay safe as we walk closer to the log. The group ahead of us is still finishing up so I look around more at my surroundings. The room looks exactly like how it would be if it were real except for a certain part in the sky. There is a certain spot in the sky that looks like there is a heatwave from the sun, but it is not normal for it to occur in this one spot in the sky. I let my head tilt and see the shimmer of the air on the blue sky and try to focus in more on what that spot is.

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