A Note from an Absent Author

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If you are still around, and was interested in this story, then I think you might want to listen to what I'm about to say.

I posted this on my conversation feed, but I'm reposting it here so that anyone who is interested can find it:

Before I go too far into this, I would like to say that all of my other stories are, as of now, still permanently discontinued.

Now, I would like to say that my interest has been sparked once more into the Percy Jackson fandom. That, combined with a mix of both me needing something new to write about (since I am in a total and complete writer's block with another side project I'm working on) and the fact that I am way too nostalgic for my own good (leading me to go back to my old accounts to read through not only the stories I posted but my drafts and stories that never got too far past planning), have caused me to sit here, writing this. I will be rewriting Chaotic Comrades. Now, before you get your hopes up, I do want to say a few more things.

One - I don't know how this will be. I may end up discontinuing it again or finishing it. I honestly don't know. Just know if you're going into it there is a possibility I might up and leave again. This is your warning. I plan to update weekly, but it can turn to daily, monthly, or never.

Two - This will not be that similar to the original. While I am keeping the name of both the story and Percy's new name of Xi, there is a lot I am changing. It will no longer be Peroë (Percy/Zoë), since I cannot write romance to save my life (which, looking back on it, may have been a reason that I had so much trouble planning the story out all those months ago), and I am changing up some characters - specifically Carson's character - significantly. The main enemy will be the same, but since you all were not introduced to them before, that's not really helpful.

Three - I will be keeping the original story up. The new story will be called Chaotic Comrades: Rewritten. The original story will be kept up due to my aforementioned nostalgia, and for your benefit. Whether you are an old fan and want to reread it, or a newcomer who wants to know how the story started out, it will be available.

With all of that said, I would like to say I am not the same person who left this account, nor am I remotely similar to the person who first joined this site. My writing style has changed, as well as my personality. If I seem different, that is simply because I am. If you don't like my new writing style, then that is your opinion. You do not have to read this new story. No one is forcing you to.

With that said, the first chapter of Chaotic Comrades: Rewritten is up. Check it out if you want to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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