Chapter 4: Tiptoe

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What linked that word to my future in the Army?

I pondered on that thought for a second, then my thoughts diverted again to my mission.

I read and reread it several times; even without ADHD and dyslexia, the names kept flying past. I finally resolved to call the good guys, or the rebels, the Qalts and their leader as Jam. I would call the bad guys Sirs and their leader as Kwer. The planet name I was confident I could remember.

Wait, what was the planet's name?

I checked the sheet, and found out it was Rwyanzo. It was in the Name-I-Can't-Be-Bothered-To-Remember Galaxy. And, according to the sheet, Rwyanzo has a black sun and a white sky. The ground was pale purple and the stones were a dark, blood-red.

(That was the whole thing in the last chapter, simplified for both your sake, and mine.)

I checked the time on my watch and realized I would be late for Squad Training if I didn't get ready soon. I quickly grabbed a sword hanging above my bed. It was skinnier and slightly longer than Riptide, and was made of Oblivion Obsidian and had a (You probably get it by now) black blade with a silver hilt. The blade itself had streaks of orange-red in it, so at least that added a bit of color.

I still had Riptide, I felt like I owed it to Zoë to keep it until I found someone worthy enough to give it to. Until then, it would be sitting on my night-table in pen form, collecting dust. The same with my watch and the golden dagger; I couldn't bring myself to get rid of either. Both were connected to so many good memories, as well as bad.

I shook my head to clear those thoughts and hurried to the training room. I would need all the practice I could get before I went on my mission.

Practice on the Abyss was...hard, to put it simply.

If you call a sixteen (Twenty minus your squad number) mile run through a dense forest on a random planet, followed by a 3-hour long sword practice session, then one hour practice with a weapon that is randomly assigned with you, hard.

Which it is.

I, along with others, probably would have passed out from exhaustion or something like that if we weren't partially blessed by Chaos.

The blessing (or should I say, partial blessing) gave us increased stamina, speed, strength, and senses. It made us do things that were impossible for an ordinary person (or alien, there were some aliens. Very few though) by any ordinary means.

As you increased through the squads, you discovered many other parts of the partial blessing.

Everyone had the ability to teleport, then they had a skill with a certain weapon (besides your primary), and a certain power that was connected to a god/goddess.

You found out the weapon in fifth squad through a series of both physical and mental tests. The power you found out in either third or forth squad.

So you know that I'm dying to know what power I have. My weapon was a spear, which surprised me. I never envisioned myself with anything but a sword.

Training passed by quickly, and every spare second was spent thinking about my mission.

The days quickly passed, and soon it was time for my departure.

I grabbed a black backpack that was (not majorly) bigger on the inside. I put some necessities inside, placed my sword in a sheath strapped down my side, and strapped a spear to my back, in between my backpack and myself.

I took a deep breath, looked at the sheet again, and waited. I would be teleported to the planet (What was it's name again, Reyanza?) to conserve energy. This would be an estimated week long mission, so I would all the help I could have.

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