Chapter 1: In the End

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"I accept."

Hestia smiled warmly (as she always does) and tightened her grip on my shoulder slightly.

I felt power surge through me for a moment, filling me with a comforting feeling. It also filled the hole that appeared when Poseidon disowned me. Then it stopped, and the feeling disappeared.

"You are now my champion, Perseus. You can heal and battle with fire."

"Thank you, Lady Hestia." I replied gratefully.

"No problem, Perseus. Now, I am going to go tell the council what Poseidon did. I don't usually start fights among my family, but what he did back there was unforgivable." She winked at me.

And with that, she turned and started to disappear in a flash of flames. Before she completely disappeared, she looked at me and said "Perseus, don't give up Hope. I remember a certain battle, when you remembered that Hope was kept best at the hearth. Remember, if all else fails, look to the hearth for Hope."

And with that, she disappeared.

I heard shouts and yells. I made sure the dagger was attached firmly to my belt (Yes, my belt has a spot for daggers. No, I do not use it often.) and my watch was tight on my wrist. I knew Riptide was in my pocket.

And then I ran.

I ran from Camp Half-Blood.

I ran from the place I once called home.

I ran from the safe haven for the children of the gods.

I slowed down running when I got to the city. I was out of breath. Panting and sweating profusely, I sat on one of the many New York benches. It was dusk, and I looked at my favourite constellation that was slowly appearing in the sky.

Zoë Nightshade had turned into a constellation just over a year ago. Now, the Huntress was nearly invisible unless you knew it was there due to the pollution.

As I sat there, catching my breath, it finally registered what just took place.

My half-sister was dead, killed by her brother.

I was accused of killing her.

Poseidon disowned me.

Annabeth and the others believed Carson.

That was probably what hurt the most. In a matter of minutes, I lost almost everyone I cared about.

There was still hope.

Thunder boomed and I was torn out of my thoughts. It started raining and for the first time since I discovered I was a demigod, I got wet without me letting myself.

Lightning flashed and I just sat there. I was wearing a sea-green shirt with a black hoodie. I also had worn-out jeans and sneakers. When I went to my cabin, I had ditched my standard Capture the Flag armor and traded it for the hoodie.

I picked myself up and thought about my next move. I decided to go to Mom's apartment. The rain had stopped as suddenly as it started.

'Probably Zeus having a temper-tantrum. Drama Queen.'

I tiredly trudged to Mom and Paul's apartment. Just as I turned onto their street, I noticed the firetrucks and the ambulances.

And the apartment building on fire.

I pushed away any exhaustion I might of had and ran forward.

The firefighters couldn't stop me at the perimeter, the cops could stop me from entering, at that moment I was invincible, as if I had bathed in the Styx again.

I ran up the stairs. I kicked down the door to the apartment. Due to Hestia's blessing, I couldn't get burned.

'Wait, Hestia's blessing...' I focused as if I was using my now non-existent water powers.

The flames obeyed and retreated from Mom's apartment.

But it was too little, too late.

Inside was Mom and Paul, dead, with their bodies charred beyond recognition.

I cried.

Right there, in the burning apartment building that was threatening to collapse, I let loose all my emotions.

The building rumbled and I heard shouts.

'No, I can't leave them. I can't... There is so many memories here. I can't let them all burn.'

I sat there for a minute, until I finally stood up.

'Mom would want me to carry on. So I will, for her.'

I pried open the door to the fire escape. I saw there the moonlace Calypso had given me so long ago.

I tenderly took a sprig and put it in my pocket.

I may not be the best gardener, but I knew it would soon die in my pocket. Did I care? Not one bit, I wasn't going to let all the memories burn in the fire that consumed my family.

I ran down the fire escape and down a side ally.

I ran until I got to a forest at the edge of the city. Raw emotions giving me the strength to put one foot in front of another.

When I got to a clearing right on the edge of the forest, I broke down.

I cried more. I sobbed. I yelled. I cursed the gods and the Fates (very creatively, I might add).

When I was done, I stared at the sky. It was later than I realized, and the sun had already set.

I was tired and hungry, but I ignored both.

Just then, a dark flash appeared and a man was standing in front of me.

Actually, a 'man' isn't the right word.

He was tall, and was pitch black with white dots covering him. Under closer inspection, I realized he was literally made of the cosmos. His eyes were completely black, with white irises. They were filled with every single emotion, yet none. Its hard to explain, but its like he was everything yet nothing.

"Percy Jackson." He grinned and said my name like he was playing with how it sounds. "A great hero, now fallen."

"Who are you?" I snapped, not in the mood to deal with gods or titans or monsters or giant or primordials or whatever-the-heck-this-guy-is.

"Forgive me." He said in that deep voice, "I am Chaos, Creator of the Universe."

"Okay, hi." I said, true to my nickname of 'Seaweed Brain'.

He looked at me, amused, as it finally sunk in. He laughed at the look on my face, it was probably comical.

"Okay." I said carefully, having a past of ticking off people who are powerful, "What do you want, Lord Chaos?"

"Simple. You have lost everything, so I was wondering if you wanted to join me."

So that is Chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed. Feedback is very appreciated!

This dedication is to Underworld_Skylar for the awesome cover!! Check her out!

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