Prelude: How to Save a Life

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Percy's Point of View...

That day had started out as any normal day.

I woke up, and got dressed. Then I trudged tiredly to the Pavilion for lunch. Yes, I woke up that late.

And that's when things started going downhill.

Ever since the Giant War, the Big Three had claimed more and more children.

Except for Poseidon.

There was Cameron and Haley, both daughters of Zeus. There was also Jack and Lea, both children of Hades.

So, I had been feeling a little jealous of Nico and Thals, and I had been feeling kind of lonely.

'At least I have Annabeth.' I had thought.

'But it wouldn't hurt to have a sibling.'

But it can hurt.

In the middle of lunch, two people ran into camp. One was Kaylee Smith, a twelve-year-old girl with shoulder-length black hair and dark sea-green eyes. The other was Carson Smith, a fifteen-year-old boy with kind of spiky jet-black hair and sea-green eyes.

I knew then that I had siblings.

They were immediately claimed.

Carson was built like a football player. He had a muscular build and was average height. He was arrogant and ambitious, he thought he was the best at everything. Nobody believed him, except for a few of the dimmer Apollo kids and some of the dumber Ares kids.

Kaylee was built like a gymnast (She actually told me that she did gymnastics). She was smaller than the average twelve-year old, but not less graceful. She was carefree and thoughtful, like she always saw the best in everything. She also sang some songs. I think she should of been a daughter of Apollo, because she had the best singing voice.

Kaylee was better with her powers because she was more focused, while Carson was a better swordsman, due to his strength.

Carson was a pain, but I loved Kaylee. Her and Annabeth got along great.

Everything changed Friday night, at Capture The Flag...

Out of my peripheral vision I had seen Carson and Kaylee chasing two Apollo kids. I disarmed and knocked out my opponent and ran after them. I stumbled over roots and hit branches, but I didn't slow down.

I was worried because they had only been at camp for a few days, and they had barely any training. I didn't want them to get hurt.

When I arrived to the clearing, the two boys were knocked out. I saw Kaylee looking at them, panting due to the effort of running so far. I was used to it.

I pushed away a branch that was blocking my vision. Right when I was going to burst into the clearing, I saw Carson run towards Kaylee with his sword out. Kaylee's back was to him, so she didn't know about her brother's betrayal.

"KAYLEE!" I yelled. She spun around and swiftly dove to the right, but Carson wildly slashed and hit her neck. It didn't instantly kill her, but she was bleeding out fast. I charged him.

"Why, Carson? She was your sister? She was our family!" I yelled as I deflected his crude thrust and disarmed him using the move Luke taught me all those years ago.

"Simple. She was in the way. She meant nothing to me." He spat at me, grinning like a madman at Kaylee's body until he sobered up and glared at me. "You mean nothing to me either."

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