Chapter 2: Welcome To My Life

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"Simple. You have lost everything, so I was wondering if you wanted to join me."

I was shocked. Stunned. My mouth nearly hit the floor in disbelief, and my eyes widened to twice their original size.

Okay, so that part 'You have lost everything' was a little unnecessary. I mean, it's true, but it hit a nerve.

I suddenly got cautious, "Are you, in any way, shape, or form, trying to destroy Western Civilization?"

He smiled, "No, Perseus. I swear on the River Styx that I am not trying to destroy Western Civilization."

I looked at him, still wary. Then, I thought 'Who cares? They abandoned and betrayed me. They left me. I do have nothing left, so why not?' and said "I accept. I have nothing left here."

My old life is gone, destroyed by the ones I loved most. I am alone now.

Have you ever heard the saying 'Sometimes the one you would take a bullet for, is the one holding the gun.'?

Well it's completely and utterly true.

He nodded then my vision was blinded by a black light.

It quickly disappeared and I was standing in what looked like the medieval times. Well, I only say that because of the gigantic castle.

It was enormous, and was surrounded what looked like a town. It was like one of those old kingdoms, except without those huge walls surroundings it.

"Where are we?" I asked Chaos, in a daze.

"This is the Abyss, my home planet." He explained. Instead of the normal brown dirt under our feet, it looked like a black ash with pale white pebbles in the place of pavement or gravel. Instead of sky, it was Planets. Stars. Comets. Anything in space, you name it.

"Ever since the beginning of the worlds, I have taken in the True Heroes from all over the universe."

"You mean, there are other planets with people on them other than Earth?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, but Earth is the only planet with divine beings, such as gods and goddesses, titans, primordials, and so on."

"So we're the lucky ones." I muttered.

Chaos ignored my comment, "There are Seven Squads in my Army. The First Squad being the highest, and the Seventh Squad being the newcomers."

"So, I'll be in the Seventh Squad?" 'A new life, a shot at redemption. I will be a new person, someone who won't be betrayed like before.' I observed.

"Yes," He answered. "And when you'll move up through the ranks, you'll change squads."

'When.' I noticed. 'He said when, not if.'

"So, where do I stay?" I asked him, wondering if I was going to have to sleep back on Earth or something like that.

"Follow me." I followed him towards the castle. We passed a few people, none of which I recognized. I didn't even get a second glance.

He led me into the castle. He turned to the left then went to the end of the hallway was a black door marked in a form of silver. He opened it and went to the end of that hallway. At the last black door, he opened it and said "This is your room."

The room was huge. One wall was black with swirls of sea green, reminding me of the sea. Another was a light gray, like ash, and had hints of orange, reminding me of the hearth. The third wall was a dark black, with streaks of gray and white that made it look like wind. The forth and final wall was a soft black, that had hints of forest green and earth brown, reminding me of the earth.

It's hard to explain exactly what they looked like, it was basically the four elements surrounding me, as if they were protecting me from danger, shielding me from harm. It must've been magical, for the room seemed to radiate it. 

The ceiling was space, like the sky on this planet, and the floor was a black rug that reminded me of the ground.

The interior decorators must love the color black.

The inside of the room consisted of a simple (you guessed it) black bed, a door leading to a bathroom, a bookcase (Filled with Greek and Roman mythology, as well as books about other planets. Good thing I don't have dyslexia anymore), a computer, and the standard closet and mirror.

"Woah." I said, looking around the room. It was amazing, to say in the least.

"Now," Chaos started, looking at me. "What would you like your new name to be?"

'A new name, a new life.'

I thought for a moment. It couldn't be connected with Poseidon, because of all the bad memories. Maybe something Greek....

I made up my mind. "Xi."

He nodded, knowing my intentions. "The letter in Greek that is always forgotten." He said knowingly.

Perseus Jackson was a foolish boy. His fatal flaw was loyalty to those he loved most. He could never betray them.

But they could still betray him.

The tore away his great life and threw him away, as if he was just a piece of paper. He won two wars for them. He stopped WWlll, he saved Camp Half-Blood, he held the sky, he journeyed the Labyrinth, he bathed in the River Styx so he could save Olympus, he even declined godhood so that he could stay with the one he loved with all his heart and so demigods could live better lives.

He thought it was over, that he could have peace at last.

But no.

His memory was stolen and he was sent across the country. With no memory, he saved Camp Jupiter and became praetor. He traveled around the world and faced countless threats. He even jumped into Tartarus so he could save the one he loved. He won them another war and declined godhood again.

And how did they repay him?

The broke him, destroyed him. His friends thought that he was a murderer, his mother and step-father were dead, and his father disowned  him.

That was Percy Jackson. The boy who was funny, sarcastic, and happy.

That is not me.

I am Xi, a lone warrior.

Did you know that your fatal flaw can change? Percy Jackson's flaw was loyalty, but mine is different.

Now, my fatal flaw is trust. Because all those I trusted destroyed me. Now, I only trusted Chaos.

My fatal flaw had destroyed me before, I wasn't going to let it happen again.

'Athena was right after all. My fatal flaw lead to my destruction. Perseus Jackson is dead now, thanks to those he was loyal to.'

Okay, so that was a little depressing to write....Oh well. I hope I didn't damage any feels with that last bit.

The next chapter will be Percy/Xi's first solo mission on a new planet. Best comment will get the dedication on that one!

This dedication is to @PixelUP! He updated his story, 'The Beginning of All' and it inspired me to update this. THANK YOU!!!

Also, on my message board was a poll on who Percy should be paired with.  Zoë Nightshade won, so this will be Percy/Zoë. Sorry Percabeth lovers. 

Thanks for the support so far! It's really appreciated! :)

~SS has logged out~

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