Chapter 5 - Kiss

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Kaneki's POV

Mom, Tsuki, and I arrive at home. Tsuki follows me like he's a lost puppy. It's a little uncomfortable for me, since I'm not used to anyone really paying a lot of attention to me.

"You two be good. I don't want to hear anything up there," Mom says with a wink. As if Tsuki and I would actually go that far right now. We just met each other!

As soon as I get inside my house, Hide pulls me into a tight hug. "How'd it go?!" He asks. I take a deep breath. "It....went great. You can meet him."


"Yeah, I got lucky and got paired up with a guy! A hot guy, too," I explain.

Then, Tsuki comes up beside me. "Um, who is this?" he asks, gesturing towards Hide. Is he jealous? "Oh, that's Hide. He's my best friend," I reply. Tsukiyama glares at Hide. Yeah, he's very jealous.

Hide investigates Tsukiyama, which makes Tsuki look uncomfortable. "Hmmm, how old are you?" Hide asks, looking into Tsuki's eyes. "I am twenty-six years old. How old are you?" Tsuki demands. Hide smiles, "I am twenty-one years old, but a few months older than Kaneki!"

Did I forget to mention that Hide is actually older than me? He just hates his suitor. It's a stuck up girl that doesn't care much about him. I feel sorry for him.

"My name is Hideyoshi Nagachika, but you can call me Hide!" Hide exclaims, holding out his hand for Tsukiyama to shake. Tsukiyama hesitantly takes it and replies, "Shuu Tsukiyama, but call me Tsukiyama."
(A/N: Did I spell Hide's name right....?)

"Well, now that you two are acquaintances, can you please not kill each other?" I ask. "No promises!" They reply in unison. Great, just great.

"Although, I do approve of him. I think you two will be cute together," Hide says. He whispers the rest in my ear, "But this bastard is dead the moment he does anything sketchy or breaks your heart." I smile at Hide's protectiveness. "Okay, you have my permission to hurt him if any of that happens."

"No, I'll kill him!" Hide says.

"I'm right here!" Tsukiyama interrupts. "I'm not stupid. I know you two are talking about me. And, I will never do anything " sketchy" or break your heart, Dear Kaneki. We were paired together, which means we were meant for each other. I refuse to cheat on you with anyone else."

"Really?" I ask. I'm so used to being dumped or cheated on. It hurts, a lot.

"Yes, I mean it. Don't ever doubt that," Tsukiyama assures.

Silence fills the room. Does Tsukiyama really mean this? I've been told so many lies, I don't know what to believe. I sure hope he means it. I want this relationship to last! Especially since it's forced and we have no other choice but to marry.

All of a sudden, Hide breaks the silence, "You two better kiss!"

Kiss? Is he serious?

I see Tsukiyama smiling. He does want to do this. I sigh and walk over to Tsukiyama. I nervously look him in the eyes. He continues to smile. Then, he bends down and connects our lips. I'm kissing him! I'm kissing him! I reluctantly kiss back. I hear Hide's happy squeals.

I just kissed the hottest man in the world.

No, Ken's wrong! That title goes to Andy Biersack and Jeremy Griffis/JayyVon Monroe.

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