Chapter 12 - Let's Try Again

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Kaneki's POV

Maybe mine and Tsuki's love is true. I mean, he is staying with me. Even though I unintentionally cheated on him last night.

Wait, maybe he's just staying with me because it's the law. Yeah, it's a law that you have to stay with your suitor; even if you hate each other. If you don't stay together, you both will be punished by prison or death. The government is very strict.

I just hope he still does love me.

*Later That Day*

"Tsuki," I say, getting his attention. "Yes?" He replies.

"Remember how our last date ended terribly?"

He nods shamefully. "I regret how I acted towards you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I smile, "I didn't mention it to make you remember that."

"Then why did you mention it?"

"Do you think that we can retry the date?" I ask. Tsukiyama nods, "Of course we can. How about we do it next week?"

"Sounds good," I reply, "just no more Ghoul Restaurants. I hate those places."

"Okay, I promise. It will be somewhere besides a Ghoul Restaurant," Tsuki assures me. "I know you'll love the place I've planned to have the date, though.

"Hopefully you do," I reply. "If I don't like it, you will be on the couch that night."

Tsukiyama looks shocked, "You wouldn't dare kick me out of bed." I look into his eyes, "Oh, I will." I did last night.

"Challenge accepted," Tsuki says.

So this is a challenge now? Okay. I can accept that. I'm just happy to know that I have another date planned with the Gourmet ~

(A/N: SORRY THIS IS SHORT AND BAD! I just wanted it finished. And I want this book finished soon. I've already figured out the ending. There may be some time skips. Like big time skips. Sorry guys! Bye! Hope you can enjoy this anyway.)

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