Chapter 18 - New Beginnings

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*1 Month Later*

Kaneki's POV

Lately, Tsukiyama has been acting very strange around me. He's been really nervous and fidgety around me. I think I know why; I think he's planning on proposing soon. Very soon.


"Tsukiyama, I've noticed your strange behavior lately."

He gives me a shocked look, "Wh-What strange behavior? I've been perfectly n-normal!"

"Stuttering isn't normal," I smirk.

"It's normal enough."

Keep telling yourself that, Tsuki. I can read you like a book.
(A/N: Translation: Ken knows so much about Tsuki he can tell if he is lying or not.)

Tsukiyama exits the room; probably off to go ponder on when and what time he should propose. Wait, I shouldn't have my hopes up like that. He's probably trying to plan a date or something. It won't be such a surprise since I'm already onto him.

I sigh and grab my phone. Since Tsuki is avoiding me, I can talk to Hide.

Kaneki: Hey, Hide.

Hide: Sup! =D

Kaneki: I think Tsukiyama is planning something big for him and I.

Hide: Wth?!?! Does that mean u 2 are going to have sex?!?!?!?!

Kaneki: You stupid idiot....NO! IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT!

Hide: OoO then what's on ur mind

Kaneki: I think he's planning on proposing.

Hide: awwwwwww lil' Kaneki is finally growing up

Kaneki: I'm done with you.

And with that being said, I turn my phone down and off before placing it back on the table. Hide is loveable as all hell, but he can get on your nerves sometimes. Not just because of his awful grammar either.

"Kaneki! Can you come here for a minute?"

I immediately turn to the direction where the voice came from. "Coming!" I yell back.

I stand and walk to the back room. I take a few deep breaths to calm down. I let myself get really excited even though I probably don't have a reason to be excited. He's probably just asking me a quest—

When I make it to the room, I see Tsukiyama down on one knee. In his hand, he's holding a small box with a sparkling, diamond ring in it. When and where did he get this?

I can't help, but to be shocked. I expected all of this, yet it still takes my breath away.

"Kaneki, we've been together for a total of six months. Those six months were the happiest months of my life. So, I was wondering.... Ken Kaneki, would you do me the great honor and, marry me?"

"Y-Yes!" I reply with tears in my eyes, "oh my God, yes!"

Tsuki stands up and hugs me. I happily hug back.

"I love you so much," Tsukiyama says to me. "I love you, too," I reply.

When we pull apart, we kiss passionately.

Looks like I'll be Ken Kaneki-Tsukiyama soon.....

(A/N: I'm so happy for these fictional fothermuckers. Also, I'm obsessed with Petekey right now. Who else? Also, I have to say this: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PETE WENTZ! Bye!!!)

Video Above: Blood on the Dance Floor - Frankenstein + The Bride
Video By: Blood On The Dance Floor

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