I think i like him

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Kalel's Pov:

I told Ian that I needed too take a break so I left his tent and went to the forest for a break. I was thinking about everything that happened to me and what he meant when he said to be careful and how I was the key of destruction. I kept on walking while the half moon was starring (weird, stalker jk) until i felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it was painful but that couldn't be cause i was supposed to heal myself. I tried to turn around but everything went black........

Anthony's Pov:

I went to think about what happened and how stunned I was and the fact that I think I love her. Then I saw something, something that I would have never wanted to see, I saw kalel on the floor passed out until I saw the stab mark on her stomach ofcourse I speeded over there and carried her in my arms bridal style (how come they call it bridal style) and took her to my tent. Her eyes started to flutter open and she then looked surprised and said" why did you stab me I immediately reply I didn't I saw you passed out on the ground and helped you back up. She looked surprised but finally said" Thank you. She was trying to get up but immediately fell down I helped her up fast until she said" I feel weak I thought that was weird sense she was a wolf until I said" out loud it the knife was poisoned. She looked at me and said" how can that be. I looked at her and said don't worry it won't last long it will heal in moments of time.

Kalel's Pov:

I was relieved until I started to stare into his eyes and he stared into mine he started to lean in but I felt like I had no control over my body feeling me leaned in until we kissed it was magical but I immediately removed my lips off his and ran back to my pack. when I was back I started to think d-do I like him.

Arthur's Pov: what will happen next will they realize there in love or will it be to late for kalel.

Kalel and anthony (a twisted up version of ther love)Where stories live. Discover now