Wierd day

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Kalels Pov:

I woke up in the morning still tired because I'm a up all night and asleep all day type of girl. I walked out of my tent to see a girl with brownish hair she was talking to Ian and I could tell from a mile away that she was a vampire. So with my hearing power I did a little listening and found out her name was Melanie.

Ian: Hey Melanie why are you here

Melanie: came to see my boyfriend of course.

What the heck no no no no, there dating how can this be.

Ian: aww how sweat

Melanie: I also came to tell you there after her

Ian: who

Melanie: the council they know who she is and they want her died and will do anything to get the job done.

Ian: this can't be happening you know what will happen, if she found out she would be furious and you know what happens when she gets mad

Melanie: yes I do anyway I have to go Anthony is waiting for me by

Wait what this is just getting really weird we'll maybe I can ask anthony what's happening I hope he knows.

Anthony's Pov:

I was about to go out hunting when I saw kalel I looked surprised then let her in she told me something about her getting mad and asked me what it meant I honestly had no clue so I told her no she said oh ok and then told me something I never new Melanie and Ian are dating what the fire truck is happening. Then Melanie walked inside she must of over heard us because she was speechless and had I'm sorry I didn't tell you face.(I have no idea how you make a face like that but oh well) I told her it was ok then I noticed kalel wasn't here she must of left.

Kalel Pov:

I left as fast as I could I did not want to be apart of that conversation, honestly this has been a weird day.

Kalel and anthony (a twisted up version of ther love)Where stories live. Discover now