October 10, 2010

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Kalel's POV                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Ian, I need to tell you something," I said as I walked up to him. 

"What's up?" he asked. 

I stared at my paws, took a deep breath, and said, "I know you have a vampire as your girlfriend."

"WHAT?!?" said Ian, totally surprised because I knew. 

"I heard you talking with Melanie," I told him, "I also have something else to tell you," 

"Oh my gosh, Kalel! This, How,-" sputtered Ian.

"I have a crush on Anthony," I confirmed. It went silent. I heard a rabbit running. "Dinner!" I called. All of a sudden, we were chasing our dinner. 

After we got the rabbit, Ian said "Kalel, you cannot tell anyone about this."

"I know, I know," I repeated.

Ian stared into my green eyes, "Does he know?"


"That you love him," Ian replied.

I said nothing. I tried to change the subject on him instead of me. "So, what about Melanie?" I asked.

"We've been dating for quite some time now," he tells me, "I didn't know how you would've reacted if I told you." 

"You love each other," I say. 

Ian smiles, "Yes." 

"I need to talk to Anthony," I said, turning away from Ian. 

Before I leave him, Ian said, "Kalel, wait!" I turn my head. "I know you kissed him," I start to blush a bit, but then I realized Ian knew. I run away and try to find Anthony. 

Anthony's POV 

I look around for Meliane, but she is no where to be seen. I hear a growl and turn around to see Kalel. 

"Anthony, I - I need to talk to you," she said. I start to worry.

"What is it?" I asked. 

"I think - I, I," she hestitates. 

I lean in closer. "I love you," she says. I stare in her green eyes and she stares in mine. We lean in and kiss. All of a sudden, I hear a deep, loud howl. Our lips seprerate and we look up in alarm. A giant, black werewolf jumps in front of us. I reconize him, he is Kalel's clan leader. 

"Kalel! What are you doing with that vampire?!?" he snarles. 

"I, I, I love him," she stutters. The clan leader comes closer to me, his pointy teeth baring at me. "Don't hurt him!" Kalel cries.

The werewolf jumps ontop of me and scratched my face. I hiss at him and bare my sharp fangs. I pull him off of me and throw him to the ground. Kalel watches our fight, crying. I bite him and he tries biting me back. I lauch myself ontop of the clan leader and hold him down. He bites my arm and the blood trinkles down on my shirt, but I don't care. "Run Kalel!" I call out to her. 

"I won't leave you hurt!" she said. 

I realize I cannot let her go. If I make an escape with her, her "clan" is going to track us down. If she leaves by herself, she would be alone and I would probably die. What would happen if I'm defeated and she also gets hurt? I decide to do something dark, harsh, and evil. I bite the werewolf in the neck and kill him. Kalel looks at me in surprise.

"Come on, let's run away and never come back," I tell her and we disappaer in the forest.

Kalel's POV

Anthony makes a small fire to keep us warm that night. I can't believe I ran away to be with him. This is love. I stare at him through the fire. I look up to the moon.

"It's October 10, 2010," I remark.

"10,10,10" he smiles. 10. That's our number. The day we started dating. I look into his brown eyes, I just love him so much.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Arthur's POV                                                                                                                                                              Hey guys so guess what i did not make this part of this story but someone else yea i lether help me with this story and she is probubly going to make more parts so here is her wattpad account   Audsome13 check her out on wattpad and follow her thanks. peace and by

Kalel and anthony (a twisted up version of ther love)Where stories live. Discover now