Not normal

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Kalel's Pov:

A new day starts and me and Anthony thought it would be best if we blend into the crowd cause we stand out pretty big. We leave and find a motel I left to the store while Anthony stayed to check in.

I grabbed food hair supplies and clothes from the store and rush back. When I get here I see Anthony on the bed just looking up at the ceiling, jeez never thought a ceiling was so interesting.



"Anthony I thought and decided it would be best to cut my hair and die it brown"

"What why that's a huge change kalel"

"I need to blend in and a girl with blue hair is not considered blending in, oh and I think it would be best if you did some cutting to your hair two"

"What No! I'll never cut my amazing hair its fantastic"

"Wow it's not like I'm asking you to shave yourself bold but you can if you want to"

"Whatever Kalel"

"I'm going to start cutting my hair and dying it by's"

2 hours later

"I finished my hair Anthony"

"Wow it looks amazing"

"Thank you"

"Let's go try to find a job we need one if we're going to be able to stay here"

"Ya we should"

After we went to a job interview we found out we didn't get it which sucked, when we were walking Dow the street a guy with a camera bumped into me.

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's ok my name is Joey graceffa I was filming a video for my YouTube channel"

"Cool well it was nice seeing you"

"Here's my number I totally can see you getting a YouTube channel, Shute I'm going to be late by girliania"

"By I guess umm Anthony that was awkward"

"Yes it was"

We walked on the sidewalk and we saw some really wired looking people that kind of remind me of the... Council. Dam it what am I suppose to do about this ugh. I grabbed Anthony's hand and started walking the opposite side I turned back to see the council getting further and further away until they we're completely gone from sight.

"Thank goodness"

" can we ever be normal with them on our tracks"

I looked around and saw something unbelievable it was............

Kalel and anthony (a twisted up version of ther love)Where stories live. Discover now