I suppose so.

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Sundown. The Docks, that's where the girls were. "Where are they?" Alex huffed, running a hand through her short hair. 

"Oh, calm down Alex, we all know you're not used to being stood up." Liz rolled her eyes.

Kensie just huffed while fiddling with her gun, Liz and Alex continued bickering until a a vehicle pulled up. Instantly the aura of the area changed, they had already been tense but it grew stronger in a matter of seconds. The first to exit the van was a man Alex recognized, Geoff. "For fucks sake, really, it's got to be no foam, vanilla pump latte guy?"  She could see his snarky smile fade. 

"It's barista chick?" He replied back as he walked towards them. "Shouldn't you be making coffee and kissing ass for tips?" 

Alex growled, Kensie took a step forward and placed a hand on her friends chest, pushing her behind herself. "Listen, we just want the cat, like really-" she was cut off by Alex.

"I swear to god if you hurt Puck I will skin you alive you fuc-"

"Alex," Kensie was calm, she hushed her friend before turning to look back at Geoff, who was now joined by two other men. One of which was holding the cat. Kensie could feel Alex's breath hitch, she was hoping her friend would stay calm for this altercation. "Why take the cat? There's other ways to contact us you know." 

Geoff chuckled, taking another step forward, he was only 8 feet away from the girls now. "You know the bank, the big one?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"It sits on the border of our turf and yours, but," Geoff paused for what seemed to only for dramatics, "I hear the Cathartidae are looking to hit it. That would be a big loss to the both of our groups."

"I suppose it would be, what are you getting at?"

"I say, we go 60-40 on it, and take out the Cathartidae while doing so."

"Just a minute," Kensie turned to Alex and Liz, she spoke in a hushed tone, "So.."

"No." Alex was the first to speak, "We can't trust them. Nope, no way."

Liz elbowed Alex, "Then we just make sure we have a plan in place if they do betray us, and also, think of all the cash." 

Alex pondered for a moment, huffing, "You know what, fine, there's millions in that bank, I'd be okay with that."

Kensie rolled her eyes, "You're not difficult to sway Alex, a lil' money and you're gone like the wind." 

"Hey," she snapped back, "At least I'm reliable."

Kensie shook her head then turned back to Geoff, "Fine. Cat first though." 

Geoff gestured to the male on his left, originally his face had been hidden in the dark, but Alex knew who it was, "Vagabond, Hows the leg?" She smirked, and walked towards him gesturing for her cat, which he quickly handed over. 

"It's fine." His voice was flat. 

"Good to know, sorry about that, now that we're working together I'll try my best not to shoot you." Her smirk widened. Alex could see him narrow his eyes at her, 

"Don't keep promises you can't keep now." His voice had lightened slightly, 

"Making jokes now, eh? Nice."

He chuckled halfheartedly and made his way back to the van. The other member stood in the shadows, unrecognizable by  the girls, but he too soon retreated back to the vehicle. 

"Well, I'll give you my number I guess." Geoff said, he pulled out an old flip phone, "Obviously not my actual phone."

"Alrighty then." Kensie said. They exchanged numbers and agreed on a time and place to meet the next time. 

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