The Obligatory Hogwarts AU

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And here it is! If you read Bound X before this, here is the Hogwarts AU previously talked about! If you haven't read Bound X, here's the Hogwarts AU this ship needed! (like seriously, how come there hasn't been one yet?) Anyway, lets get on with this! Hope you enjoy! (Why am I using so many exclamation marks?!)
"Watch where you're going!" a man yelled as Magnus run past him.

"Sorry!" the blonde boy called out without turning to look at the man or stopping. He was already late enough as it was, he couldn't afford to stop to apologize, even if he did feel sorry for almost knocking that man over.

Of all the days he had to be late, it had to be this one! One is not simply late for the first day back at school. Especially when your school is in the Scottish Highlands and you need an hours long train ride to get there. Magnus has never been late for the Hogwarts Express. He normally arrives early to find a good compartment.

But normal has changed a lot for Magnus lately. His mother normally wakes him up and drives them to King's Cross, she normally kisses his cheeks before he gets on the train even though Magnus is embarrassed and she normally waves goodbye at him as the train starts moving, telling him to "Be careful, pumpkin!"

That's what happens normally. But it won't happen again.

Stop, don't think about that. You can't think about that.

"Sorry! Excuse me! Coming through!" Magnus said as he elbowed his way through the crowded platform, his backpack bouncing on his back as he run.

Magnus really liked his backpack. It might be old and worn out but it was Doctor Who themed and Magnus had had it for years. His mother had given up a long time ago to get him to get a new one. Now, if Magnus said his backpack was his most valuable possession, it wouldn't be just sentimental talk.

It was quite literally all he had left. Everything he owned was inside that backpack. His wand, his cloak, his trunk with his schoolbooks. You might wonder how all that fitted in a backpack, but Magnus' Charm Professor and his Head of House, Professor Blitzen, moonlighted as a fashion designer. He had made a line of all sorts of bags that could have a car in them and still look and feel half empty. The charm he put on his backpack was the only reason why Magnus had been able to hold onto his belongings on the streets.

Magnus had always been a bit paranoid about the wall leading to platform 9¾. What if he run into the wrong wall? What if it was out of order and Magnus run into a wall? What if it was out of order and only part of him passed through? He couldn't think of anything more humiliating than have his but stick out for a wall.

"Your butt won't stick out of the wall, pumpkin," his mother had said when he told her about his worries when he was a second year.

Magnus scowled at the nickname. Some kids from his old school had heard his mum calling him that and teased him about it. It was a lame pet-name.

"How do you know?" he asked her. "I'm sure people would take hundreds of pictures. I can already see the internet articles: Teen boy's arse sticks out of wall at King's Cross station."

His mother laughed and ruffled his hair. "If that happens then my butt will be stuck as well," she told him.

He used to go through the wall while holding his mum's hand or, when he grew up a bit and thought he was too cool for that, holding onto her clothes. She was always the one who stepped through first, with Magnus following behind her.

But now he rushed forward, not even flinching as he run into and through the wall.

The difference between the Muggle and Wizard platforms never seized to amaze Magnus. A moment ago, he was running through crowds of coffee-fueled, nameless people on their way to work, the air filled with the station racket and a cacophony of voices all speaking at the same time, either on their phones or to other people.

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