Magnus Carves a Tyr (1)

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The teens from floor nineteen gather in their usual table for lunch (with extra death on the side) when suddenly Magnus strides his way towards them, a confident smile plastered on his face.

"Hey Maggie, what's up?" Alex asks with her eyes wide as Magnus made a show out of sitting down and snatching a sandwich, "You seem to be in high spirits"

"Well, yeah" Magnus grinned at her in such a adoring way, Alex could have sworn her neck was red "I took your advice from yesterday and picked up woodcarving as a hobby–and now I feel like a whole new man!"

"Typical Magnus, trying to impress us" Mallory winked knowingly, "Or someone"

"Perhaps" Magnus shrugged, much to the surprise of the rest of the crew, "I am telling the truth though, I'm quite interested in the art now. Maybe you could teach me pottery next, Ms. Fierro?"

"Don't go all high horse on me, Chase" Alex huffed, but replied with a sparkled interest, "But...I'll consider it"

While the two chatted, Mallory leaned close to TJ and Halfborn and whispered, "Okay, what's wrong with Magnus?"

"Hmm? Something wrong?" TJ frowned as he paused from cleaning the muzzle of his rifle, "Well, he seems more happy than usual"

"Learning does wonders to the soul" Halfborn nodded sagely, "I wouldn't be getting my PhD's if it didn't serve a purpose, like killing time"

"But this big of a change?" Mallory hissed, gesturing to Magnus who was surprisingly taking initiative in the talking. Even Alex seem to be a little miffed, a confused but subtle smile forming on her face.

"Let's just observe for now" TJ pointed out, just in time for them to notice the two in question reach for the same sandwich and bumped hands.

"Oh, sorry–you go ahead" Alex retracted, but Magnus immediately grabbed her hand and placed the sandwich on it, with Magnus saying soothingly, "Don't be; you're hungry, right? It would be rude for me to allow such a cute girl to starve"

The hall suddenly fell into silence. You could probably drop a spoon and it would echo throughout the room. Everyone had a look of either shock, awe or joy. The crew was no better: Mallory had her jaw wide open, TJ lost his grip on his gun and was now making a grab for it, while Halfborn stopped mid-chomp on his pork chop. As for Alex? Well, she didn't seem fazed...if you don't count the slight blush and the very curious glint in her eyes.

"Y-You think...I'm-"

"Shoot! I'm going to be late for my woodcarving lesson!" Magnus noticed the time and quickly bent down and kissed Alex's hand, "I'll see you around, Alex. Save some sandwiches for me?" he winked and steadily paced his way out, leaving Alex no chance to recover or to retort. After he had left, the hall once more erupted in conversation, now fueled with a newfound gossip. The gang simply were frozen in place and unable to move, maybe even breathe. Finally, Alex muttered, "I'll just, erm, head back ahead. Sounds cool with you guys?"

Mallory was the first to snap out of it, "Sure! I mean, yes of course you may!" Now Halfborn and TJ gawk at Mallory. Magnus being bold, and Mallory with manners? Has Ragnarok actually begun!?

Alex didn't seem to notice and stood up with a stretch, casually leaving the hall...well, as casually as one can be while hiding two pieces of sandwiches with a garrotte.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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