Bound X (Completed Series)

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"I can't take this anymore!" Mallory Keen yelled, at the brink of pulling out her hair due to frustration.

Sitting on the couch of her suite were T.J and Halfborn. And while T.J was looking at the girl pacing up and down the room with worry in his eyes, Halfborn couldn't deny there was something strangely attractive about his girlfriend when she was furious like this. Not furious with him, of course, but Halfborn always had a thing for women who could fight and kick butt just as good as him. Mallory's angry expression and red face made her look like she was ready to rip off someone's arms.

"Mallory, maybe you should calm down," T.J suggested worriedly, hand twitching over his riffle. He had learned in his life (and death) that angry women should be handled with the upmost delicacy so as not to lose a limb in the process.

"Calm down? Calm down?!" The girl nearly shrieked. "How am I supposed to calm down? We've been impaled, decapitated, burnt to death, trumped under the feet of dragons and all of that before even a half hour of combat because Magnus and Alex can't keep their minds off each other!"

The two boys sighed. It's not like they didn't agree with what the girl was saying, the situation with those two was getting out of hand, but there wasn't much they could do. Sure, some of them (read: Halfborn) had been making jokes in an attempt to make them realize their feeling and get together but it didn't seem to work.

"I mean, it's so obvious they like each other! Just kiss already!" The redhead continued. It was a good thing the rooms were soundproof or else all of Valhalla would have heard them.

"I'm sorry to remind you, but you and Halfborn were tiptoeing around each other for years before you finally got together," T.J said matter-of-factly, used to being the voice of reason in their group.

A blush as red as her hair spread over Mallory's face and T.J could have sworn he saw a faint flash on the Viking's cheeks as well. "T-that's different!"

The soldier raised an eyebrow. "How exactly?"

"Tha- we- the world wasn't about to end then!"

Silence fell over the room. There was a sort of mutual agreement not to mention Ragnarok. The coming of Doomsday wasn't exactly something you'd want to hear about on a daily basis.

Mallory plopped down on the couch with a sigh. "I'm sorry, it's just...."

"It's alright." Halfborn put his hand on her shoulder. Loki's escape had them all jittery, full of energy and nervousness. It didn't matter how long you had trained for it, no one could know what would happen once Ragnarok came. Mallory was just directing all her uncertainty at something she could understand. They all did; T.J played even more shooter games, letting the familiarity of the action calm him and Halfborn had been studying for a PhD in math.

"You have a point, though," T.J said after Mallory had calmed down. "But you can't rush these things. They'll have to do it on their own."

"Yeah, it's not like we can make an alliance with Magnus' friends to hook them up," Halfborn joked. He realized the mistake he made when Mallory turned to look at him slowly.

"Halfborn," she said, a mad glint in her eyes, "you're a genius!"
"Magnus, for the last time, calm down!" Mallory yelled. "We're just taking a break; the world won't end because of it."

The Floor 19 gang was strolling down the streets of Boston, a normal group of teenagers if not for their weapons concealed under glamour. Yet there was a nervous air around Magnus and it wasn't hard to guess why; he had been questioning this outing since the start.

"She's right, Magnus," Alex agreed. Male today, he was the member of their group that stood out the most with his usual green jeans and neon pink hoodie. "Besides, you've been pushing yourself a lot lately, you deserve to relax for one evening."

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