How the Bold Have Fallen

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Alex was gone.

Magnus couldn't believe it. He tightened his grip on his sheets, refusing to accept the harsh reality and the rise of morning. How could time pass by? Without Alex...

All his fault.

Empty and filled with regret, Magnus did nothing but stare up at the ceiling, tears in his eyes as he recalled his final moments with Alex in the battle for saving the world...


"Looks like...I couldn't finish that vase for your birthday after all" Alex chuckled as Magnus hugged her close, "Maggie...I'm sorry"

"No, I'm sorry!! I didn't–I thought—"

Alex hushed Magnus with a kiss, their first and sadly their last, then she smiled while looking deeply at those cloudy, grey eyes, "Finish the vase for me, would you?"



Magnus stood up suddenly and flipped his table, the sounds of shattering glass and assortments echoed the room now bleached of color. He ran to the balcony, out towards the Giant Tree and yelled with all his might,


He crumpled in agony, the despair all too much. He didn't know how long he just stayed there, not a thought passing through him other than those precious moments he had with Alex...

A sound of a door screeching open came an hour or so later, then a sigh, followed by a shuffle of feet.

"Magnus, stop this" Sam commanded with a calm tone.

"Stop what?"

"All this! This isn't you!"

"Does it matter? I've lost...a dear friend"

"And she was my family" Sam stated with sorrow, "But even so, you should stop acting this way! She wouldn't like how you are acting right now and giving up on life!"

"I don't have a life, remember? I'm dead" Magnus replied with a humorless chuckle as he rested his back onto the tree. "Oh, how I wish I could just die now..."

"Don't say that!" Sam ran to Magnus' side and and grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to look at her face-to-face, "What about Floor 19? Hearthstone and Blitzen? Your cousin!? Me!"

"You guys will be fine, I'm sure–"

"NO!" Sam slapped Magnus, tears and anger on her face, "That's just selfish! CRUEL! We've lost Alex, we can't lose you too!"

"Then aren't you ALL BEING SELFISH?!" Magnus yelled as he pushed Sam out of rage, "You trying to guilt-trip me to keep me alive? Is that it!? I have NOTHING left to fight for!"

"You don't mean that!"

"YES I DO!!"

"Alex wouldn't like–"

"Don't you DARE say her name!"

"Or what? You will stab me too!?"

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