Chapter 5: College Girl

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I bit my lip as he stared at me across the room. His eyes were hooded and filled with lust. He licked his full lips and moved closer to me.
" What do you want me to do to you ?" I asked trailing my manicured hands down his broad chest.
Luke Chambers is the youngest professor at Fayetteville University and by far the most handsome. He slipped his hands under my skirt and gripped my thighs tight. I whimpered under his touch. The sensation of his hands on my body was almost too much. My breathing hitched in my chest as he gripped my thighs tighter.
"I want you to give yourself to me", he whispered in my ear. My body burned with desire.
Never would've made it....
My cell phone blasted from my purse. Mama. I looked at Luke and blushed.
"Let it ring baby girl", he said licking my neck.
I moaned my response and he slid his hands farther up my skirt. Never would've made it....
"Luke I need to get that. That's my mom's ringtone", I said pulling away from his grasp. He sucked his teeth and adjusted his tie.
"Hello", i said tucking my curly hair behind my ear. Hurriedly i pulled my burgundy skirt down and adjusted my white shirt.
"Nelle where the heck have you been. Mama and i been trying to reach you", a very angry Denise yelled into the phone. I rolled my eyes, kissed Luke goodbye and walk out of his office. My heels clicked against the marble floor as Denise went off in my ear about being responsible.
"Nissy WHY have you been blowing up my phone?"
I was past irritated. I should've been in Luke's office fulfilling his fantasies before his next class but no i had some old maid yelling in my ear.
"Nelle i KNOW you didn't raise your voice at me. You done went to college and lost your rabbit mind. If you checked the messages and texts i sent you you would know Daddy had a stroke and he's in the hospital". I stood in the middle of the corridor in complete shock. "Nissy if this is some sick joke it ain't funny", I said swallowing tears. It just can't be true. Daddy had just dropped me off at college 5 months ago. He was beaming with pride as he helped me unload my things from the car.
"Nelle i as serious as serious gets. Mama wants all of her girls home during this time. Mama needs us Nelle. After all she sacrificed for us this is the least we can do", Denise said struggling to hold back tears.

I pressed my tongue against my left cheek and shifted my weight. I thought back to the weeks before I left for college. Mama and Daddy argued more than usual. Well more like Daddy yelling and Mama saying little to nothing at all. One night it got bad. Real bad.
"Erica are you hard of hearing? I said she's going and that's final", Daddy yelled. I pressed the pillows over my ears harder to block out his yelling. It was 2 o'clock in the morning for crying out loud.
"Daniel please stop yelling. You're gonna wake the girls", Mama said trying to keep her voice low and her tone even.
"Erica I pay the bills for this house. I can yell if I want to".
"Daniel she isn't ready to be that far away on her own just yet. If you really cared about our daughter and her safety you wouldn't let her go"Mama pleaded.  I pulled the  pillow over my head and listened. They arguing '
"Erica she will be fine. You see, unlike you she's intelligent and brave. She will be just fine...but if that incident is ever to repeat itself....I will handle it."
Mama sighed in defeat. She grew quieter during those last weeks. When it was time for me to leave she held me close to her and I listened to her sniffles as she quietly cried.
"Neeeeeeeeelle. Heeeeeeeeello", Denise yelled into my phone. I jumped back to reality continued down the corridor. "Sorry Nissy. I spaced for a minute".
She let out a frustrated sigh and chuckled a bit. " Nelle I don't know what's going on with you but get it together. When will you be here?"
"I'm done with finals so as of right now my Spring Break has started. If I book a flight now I can be there by 9 pm your time", I said checking my watch.
" Alright I'll see you then. I love you little sister"
I smiled and rolled my eyes. If only she knew the secrets I keep. "I love you too big sister". We ended the call and I walked to my dorm do pack and book my flight. When I got closer to the dorm I noticed a woman in a black skirt set standing by the steps. Her brown hair was pinned up, her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose and her honey colored skin glowed in the afternoon sun. Oh sugar! What is she doing here? She saw me approaching and she frowned. "Renelle where have you been?"
I smiled and walked past her. "Hello to you to Dr. Calloway. I'm fine thanks for asking". She followed me to my room and closed the door behind her. I sat my purse in my bed and preceded to pull out my suitcase and pack. Dr. Calloway's eyes widen as she watched me pack. "Renelle where are you going?" I ignored her and carefully folded a black dress Luke bought me. Frustrated at my silence she loosed her hair and let it fall over her shoulder. It framed her face giving her an almost angelic look. I laughed. Her and angelic don't even go in the same sentence.
"Renelle what the hell is so damn funny? What's going on? You won't answer my calls. You miss our sessions which is totally unlike you. Now your packing without telling  anyone where you're going". I zipped the suitcase and faced her.
"Let's get one thing straight. I'm grown. You are just my therapist NOT my babysitter. I don't have to tell you EVERYTHING  about my life", I said deeply annoyed.
Dr. Calloway stared at me intensely with her brown eyes. Her full purple painted lips were tightly pursed. "Renelle have you been taking your meds?"

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