One thing after other...

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Marco pov
I woke up really refreshed today and looked at the clock to see it's 8:03. I jumped out of bed and put on my clothes( a random shirt and my red hoodie and a pair of pants on the floor) I ran down stairs and almost fell on my face. My mom was down in the kitchen cleaning up from breakfast " What are you still doing here, Star told me you were walking to school today so you got up early " my mom said but I didn't answer her I just ran all the way to school. On the way I almost got hit by a car, I ran into a melt poll, and once I got to school one of the tiles on the way were lose and I slipped and fell flat on my face. It was a bad time to do that because everyone was going to then lockers and the first person to see me fall was Jackie. She was laughing so hard that she fell to the ground as well but from laughing to hard. Star saw what happened and giggled a little before coming to he me up " I thought you were already at school Marco and why are you wearing your skinny jeans? You said you hated them " she said I was so confused on what she was talking about until I looked down and saw that I was wearing my skinny jeans. Can this day get any worse? I ask myself and it did, I had a lot of home work to do when I came home. Once we were home I started to work on it and Star had to call he mom for some reason but I didn't question her. I got down with my home work at 5:06 and had a lot of free time so I walked up to my room to practice some karate.
**********20 mins later**********
I was in the middle of practice when Tom climbed through my window. I just stared at him with a blank expression when he fell to the floor with a ' Thud ' " What are you doing here?" I asked him " Um... I saw that you were having a bad day so I came here to make you feel better " we both were there in silence until Tom ask me " So can I stay?!" " Umm... sure "
-------------3 hours later---------------
Me and Tom were having so much fun that I didn't hear my mom call me for dinner. We both soon got hungry and we both walked into the kitchen, Star was in the kitchen as well and said " We were calling you for dinner and if you didn't come down soon I was going to go get you myself " me and Tom looked at each other " Oh I didn't know that you had Tom with you, I'll go tell you mom to set a set next to you for Tom "
~~~~~~After Dinner~~~~~~~
Me and Tom were talking about some random things. Tom then ask me " H-hey do you mind if I stay the night?" His face was getting red and so was mine " N-not a all " I said " Do you want to borrow some of my clothes to sleep in?" I asked him. He nodded his head and I picked out gray sweat pants and a baggy shirt to go with it. He walked to the bathroom and I decided to get changed in my room. When I was putting my night shirt on Tom walked in " Who's there?" I ask knowing it was Tom " Hey Marco!!" Star shouted " Close the door Tom " and he did " Hey Marco open up will you?" She asked me. Once I got my shirt on I open the door for Star. Star walked in not noticed Tom " Hey Marco what's uppp, what is Tom still doing here?" She asked once she saw Tom " Well sense it's really late I decided that it would be best if Tom spend the night " " Alright but if you two make any nosiness I will come in here and stop it okay?" " Okay " we both said and she was gone like that. We started to talk, are faces got closer and closer to each other to were are lips were inches apart. Tom closed the gap and before I knew it we were kissing, I was somehow enjoying it so I turned my head to the side to deepen the kiss. A couple of moans escape my mouth as Tom slipped his tongue in my mouth and explore it, I slipped my tongue in his mouth and did the same. We soon broke the kiss for some air, saliva was connecting are mouths together. I felt something move in my pants, I looked down and saw I was getting a little excited and Tom looked down and saw it to. He smirked and said " Do you want me to take care of that~" he whispered in my ear, he then licked my ear and down to my neck.
Cliffhanger for y'all and hope you enjoyed this chapter and guess what is going to happen in the next chapter. Okay bye 👋

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