Don't Touch Him!!

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ smut will be happening so turn back now if you don't like and please do enjoy.
Marco pov
Tom licked from my ear to my neck and bit it making blood drip out. I gaps a little from the pain but didn't scream so no one could hear what me and Tom were up to. He licked the blood up from my neck, then pushed me down on the bed and kissed me, I kissed back. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and then broke the kiss. He unzipped my jacket and threw it across the room, then the same thing to my shirt. I took off his shirt and unbutton his pants, pulled them down " Oh you want to take it to that level?~" he said and then licked my stomach to my hips. I had no idea of what I just got myself into. He then unbutton my pants and pulled them down. So now me and Tom are in are boxers, what if Star comes in and sees us? What will she think? Those were the questions that flutter in my mind " T-Tom wait " " Yes my little bunny~" " Can we stop and just go to sleep?" " Why?" " Well what if Star or my mom or dad come in and see us? What will we say?" Tom looked down and sighed " Well okay we can stop, but next time we will go until you beg for more~" we were quite for a few seconds until the door opened. I quickly got under the sheets and so did Tom " Let's make it look like we're asleep " I whispered in his ear " I can think of something better~" " How can yours be bet-" I was cut off by him getting on top of me and kissing me. I try to push him of but the kiss felt so good that I melted into it. He started to rubbing his hand up and down my chest as I pulled him closer to me. I heard my mom and dad and Star giggled, I didn't know what was so funny. We soon broke the kiss, Tom then got down to my boxers and started to pull them off. I could hear them still in the doorway to my room, I could hear Star saying something " I wandered what is going on under there?" She giggling. I heard some more talking and then Star yelled " Hey Marco are you ok under there?!" I look down at Tom who was just sitting there. We looked at each other for a moment and then Tom got up to were face was a couple of inches a was from his " Let's come out of hiding " he said. I pulled down the cover to were are shoulders were showing, I took a glance at the door to see no one there. " See there's no need to worry " " Um I guess so " " So can we go to sleep now " I just looked at him and nodded my head. We both cuddled up with each other and fell asleep.
Sorry for not updating in a long time but now I'm back and sorry for not making it really smutty I just didn't feel like it was a good time.

Love vs Hate a Tomco storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat