The Graces

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As I started to put on my suit (I had a meeting about a new song today) Piper woke up.

"Morning beautiful." I grinned.

"Mnornin Sperky." Was her response.

I chuckled and headed into the kitchen to start the coffee pot.

She came out of our room a few minutes later, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "The boys up yet?"

I shook my head and took a sip of coffee. "They usually get up at 10 on the weekends."

She stopped walking. "Wait, what time is it now?"

I looked at the clock on the stove. "8:30."

"Ugh. I'm going back to bed. Good luck with your- your meeting." She yawned, waving her hand around.

"Alrighty. Thanks, love you." I kissed her cheek and grabbed my phone and keys.

"You.... you too."

I walked out the front door just as she entered our room.

I turned on the car and headed down to the record place thing.


I locked my car and walked in the building. I made my way over to the receptionist, who barely looked up at me. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, at 9:15?"

"Hm. Name?"

"Jason Grace." I shifted uncomfortably.

"Ah, yes. Sit over there, Mr. Mackerson will be with you in a moment."

I made my way over towards the area she was pointing.

I pulled out my phone and sent Percy a text.

You up?

Yeah. Luke woke us up. Why are you?

Song Meeting.

Ah. Good luck cuz!

Thanks Perce.

I think that this is gonna be the shortest text conversation we've had in a while.


I stuck my phone back in my pocket and waited.

Soon, one of Mr. Mackerson's staff members came and led me to our meeting room.

He was in there waiting. "Hello, Mr. Grace."

"I've told you before, call me Jason, Mr. Mackerson." I smiled as I sat down across from him.

"And I've told you before, I prefer formalities."

I nodded.

"So! New song?" He asked, looking excited.

I nodded again. "Called 'Celebrity'. Kind of mocking the celebrity life."

He smiled. "I like it."

"Thought you might. Here's the demo." I handed him the CD. He pulled out a CD player and played it.

(AN: Celebrity by Brad Paisley. Once again, I NO OWN)

Someday I'm gonna be famous, do I have talent?

Well, no. These days you don't really need it,

Thanks to reality shows.

Can't wait to date a supermodel,

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