The Jacksons

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(This is 3 months after the epilogue in Collision Of Worlds. Luke (the baby) is now 6 months. Everyone else is the same age.)

Percy POV:

"Sir, please step out of your vehicle." I said to the guy I just pulled over.

He climbed out. "Why? I didn't do nothing wrong!"

"Do you have any weapons in your car?" I asked as my partner checked the suspect for anything in his pockets.

"Nope. Why am I bein' 'rested?"

"I can smell the alcohol on you. Care to take a test?" My partner, Officer Dan Jones, replied.

"Fine, whateva."

"Can I search your car for weapons, sir?" I turned toward his Honda.

"Fine, sure. You ain't gonna find nothin'!"

Wish I could find someone to teach you how to speak proper English. I thought as I leaned into the car. I immediately found a .45 and a pocketknife. I pulled on some gloves and set the weapons on the hood of my cruiser.

"No weapons, huh?" I checked the gun. No bullets.

"Those ain't mine. This is my girlfriend's car, man!"

"Alright, well, take the Breathalyzer test." I said disbelievingly.

I went back into the car and found no more weapons.

"Rest of the car is clean." I reported to Jones.

"Good. Stay here." He said to the man. We walked away and stood by the curb.

"What's his name, anyway?" I asked Dan.

"Jerry something or other. Anyway, he's well above the legal limit."

"Then lets take him in!"

He started to say something, then stopped and cursed. He ran off.

I turned around and saw Jerry something or other running across the road. "Styx!" I muttered as I started to run. Jerry turned into an alley, Dan right on his tail, me on Dan's tail.

"Freeze!" I shouted.

"I ain't going to jail!" Jerry shouted from the fire escape he was climbing. I saw him bang on the window of the apartment he was next to. "Open up!"

I climbed up after him and tackled him down onto the floor. I cuffed his hands and stood him up. I glanced into the window of the apartment we were next to to make sure Jerry hadn't messed with them. I saw my family looking around for the noise we were making. Annabeth saw me and her eyes widened. I waved and pulled the guy down the fire escape stairs.

"Man, come on! You can't arrest a brotha! We men need to stick together!" He protested.

Dan helped him into the car. "We aren't arresting a brother. We're arresting someone who broke the law."

I leaned on Jerry's door. "How much did you have to drink, Jerry?"

"A couple of beers. Lemme go!"

Dan read him his rights, then we sat in the cruiser and pulled away, the evidence (weapons) in evidence bags at Dan's feet.

Jerry cursed us out the whole way.


I pulled my truck into the designated spot for our apartment and shut it off.

I jumped out, slammed the door, and locked it. I walked in the building, waved to the doorman, and stepped in the elevator, pushing the button that sent me to the 5th floor. I walked into our apartment and was greeted with a one-arm hug from Annabeth and Luke.

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