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Leo POV:

I woke up with my loving wife throwing a pillow in my face and yelling, "Leo Valdez I swear on the River Styx-" (cue thunder) "- if you do not get up in the next two minutes I will dump ice water on you!"

I smiled at her. "Not your most terrifying threat, babe. Only part I didn't like was the ice. Otherwise, I don't even have to get up to take a shower."

She scoffed and left the room to take care of our son. "Jackson! Get dressed! We're going to daycare in five minutes!"

In reality, they were leaving in about 15 minutes. But if we don't give him a five-minute warning before the actual five- minute warning, we'd be late. That's how we showed up twenty minutes late for Frank and Hazel's wedding. Now that was awkward. I hauled myself out of my bed and trudged to the shower, vaguely hearing Jackson yell that he was going to daycare in his pjs, aka his boxers. Uh, no. Too young. Sorry buddy. Girls don't care yet. I thought as I turned on the water and undressed. I tested the water and jumped back into the bathroom door, slamming my head against it. The water was hotter than, well, me! My fire anyway. I turned down the heat a bit and tested it again. Much better. I stepped in and turned in a circle, looking for the washcloth. After I couldn't find it, I yelled for my wife. "Hey, Calypso!"

"What?!" I could hear the exasperation in her voice.

Uh, nevermind. I'll find it on my own.

"I love you! Do you need help with Jackson?"

"What I need, is for you to wake up on time so that I am not in charge of everything!" Her voice was getting closer. I flinched as she banged through the bathroom door. She tossed something at the the shower and it hit the curtain. I leaned out and grabbed the washcloth as she said,"Here's the washcloth. If you aren't out in five minutes, you get to drive Jackson to daycare."

I shuddered and said, "Will do, love!"

I hated his daycare. The lady was always flirting with me, no matter how many times I purposely got Jackson to point out my wedding ring, mostly by playing with my hand or stealing my ring.

I poured shampoo into my hand and slathered it onto my hair, swirling it around. As I rinsed it out, I got soap in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes instinctively before remembering that the best thing to do was hold your eyes up to the water. (AN: I think) So I did that, then I rubbed the bar of soap onto the washcloth and washed my body. I turned off the shower and grabbed the towel, my eyes shut to prevent remaining shampoo from getting in them. I rubbed my forehead and face after I rubbed the top of my head, then slowly opened my eyes. I wrapped the towel firmly around my waist, yelled, "I'm out!" to Calypso, and ambled over to my dresser and slipped into underwear and jeans and socks. I turned to the closet and grabbed a shirt, slipping it over my head as I stuffed my feet into my shoes.

"Take Jackson to daycare! I need to open up the shop." Calypso called out to me as I poured a cup of coffee.

I sighed and transferred my coffee to a to-go cup. "Yes, dear. Come on, son." I grabbed his hand and we walked to the car. He climbed into his seat as I set my coffee on the roof of the car. I buckled him in and grabbed my coffee, walking to my side of the vehicle. I sat down in the driver's seat, set the coffee in a cup holder, and buckled my seatbelt. I drove to his daycare, turned off the car and hopped out. I crossed to his door and opened it to unbuckle him. I perched him on my hip, closed the door, locked the car, and walked inside the daycare building.

"Well, if it isn't my two favorite guys!" Ms.B said.

I smiled awkwardly. "Hey, just droppin' the boy off." I set him down and he ran to his friends.

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