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jiwoo: in west busan born & (kinda) raised

jiwoo: on a playground was where i spend most of my days, chillin out, maxin, relaxing all cool & shooting some b ball outside of my school, when a couple of guys were up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood

park boii: stop right there

jiwoo: fine smh

park boii: im guessing ur out of school now

jiwoo: yup, and im guessing ur still in

park boii: yup

jiwoo: im guessing ur not paying attention

park boii: u guessed correctly

park boii: so where are u rn

jiwoo: drug store getting ramen lmao

park boii: y tho,,,

jiwoo: bc im not dressed nice enough for Whole Foods

park boii: aren't u in a school uniform

jiwoo: my point stands

park boii: the thought of u in one makes me feel some type of way

jiwoo: stop, i hear that enough

park boii: i didnt mean it like that

jiwoo: ight

park boii: i am,,, hurt that u think I would say that about you

jiwoo: do u need me to pick up some bandaids?

park boii: make sure it's the cool ones

jiwoo: they're bandaids how cool can they be

park boii: LOOK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

jiwoo: 👀

park boii: don't leave me

jiwoo: Vous besoin de faites attention en vos cours aujourd'hui.

park boii: what

[‘jiwoo’ has logged off!]

park boii: jiWOO

park boii: u cant leave me with a French sentence that's untranslated

park boii: shit

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