18 [full]

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Jiwoo immediately started crying, both from joy and fear. She was happy that she was the only one in the house, meaning that if she managed to convince Yoongi to stop killing once she was dead, she'd save her brother and mom. She was crying from fear as she knew she fell in love with Yoongi too fast. She fell in love with the idea of running away with a boy who would sweep in on his motorcycle and drive her into the sunset. Jiwoo knew that she shouldn't've, but she did, and she can't change that now.

Her heart was beating a mile a minute as she watched through the cracks in the door, looking for movement. Her life had become a cliché movie moment, and she hated it. She has dropped her phone outside, and the only other phone in the house was across the hall which, of course, had squeaky ass floorboards. That's when Jiwoo swallowed her pride and kicked the door open, dashing across the hall, into her mother's bedroom.

Jiwoo rummaged through her mom's closet, pushing her short dresses and tall heels out the way. She shifted through the box at the bottom of everything, filled with fake I.D.s and other items. In the corner of the box, her eyes locked with the phone sitting there. A shitty, $20 phone that her mother used to use as a trap phone. Jiwoo's mom was a sex worker to ensure Jiwoo never had to be, and when she started, she gave Jiwoo a rundown on what to do if someone broke it. Her mother kept the phone with a singular call left on it for her daughter to use in case of a dire emergency. Jiwoo immediately dialed 911. She refused to let Yoongi kill more people if she had an option to help stop it.

Meanwhile, Yoongi quickly figured out what room she had taken refuge. He made menacing moves as he followed the sound of her moving things and crying. His feet hit the floor with a horrifying thunder, making Jiwoo tremble. He started to run towards the room she was in as he heard her voice speaking to the 911 operator.

The door to her mother's room fell to the ground with the force he body slammed it with. Jiwoo screamed, "Help me!" into the phone before she dropped it and grabbed the nearest thing to her to defend herself, which happened to be one of her mother's shoes. She screamed as he slowly advanced on her, seeming to know every escape route she had planned in her head.

Yoongi crushed the phone under his foot, and Jiwoo threw the shoe in her hand across the room, shattering the mirror. She grabbed the shoe's pair and stood as he turned to look at the mirror pieces on the floor. Jiwoo stood as fast as she could, no doubt looking completely scared and not at all sinister. As Yoongi turned back to look at her, he started laughing.

"Oh, baby girl, do you really think you'll win this?" His voice sounded the same as it did on the phone, making Jiwoo shake. He was the same person, she just never saw the real him.

"Please, just tell me why you're doing this." Her voice was shaky, but she didn't care at that point.

He laughed in response, "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to carve your phone number onto park benches?"

Yoongi picked up a piece of mirror from the floor, looking into it. Jiwoo knew her only chance to survive was to keep him talking.

He gestured to himself in the mirror, "You were afraid of him." Then he gestured to the broken phone on the ground, "But you loved him. I'm both, but I can still be the same guy you sent memes to."

"I will never, ever trust you again." Jiwoo heard the sirens in the distance, and she took her chances. If she could just get him to look away while he was talking, she could possibly throw something to knock him out.

Yoongi screamed. Jiwoo's plan immediately backfired. He dropped the knife he held, but kept the mirror piece. He ran to Jiwoo, shoving the piece into her stomach repeatedly.

He watched as she fell to her knees, gripping her stomach in silence, her eyes wide. She fell to the floor on her side, rolling onto her back as her eyes rolled back into her head. Blood rolled from her nose and mouth. Jiwoo was dead.

Yoongi looked into the mirror, holding it up to see himself. Blood rolled down it onto his hands. Her blood was on his hands. A tear rolled down Yoongi's cheeks at the realization of what he'd done came to surface.

In the distance, he heard the door slam open. He took one last look at himself as he plunged the knife into his stomach. When he pulled it out, he fell to the floor on his side, his arm falling in front of his face, forcing him to watch as his mouth filled with blood and it started to pour out. The room containing the two bodies was invaded by police men, checking for pulses on either of the two, finding nothing.

Yoongi kept his promise: if Jiwoo was still trapped at home 3 months later, he would come to save her.

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