17 [full]

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Jiwoo pressed the button in the corner of her screen, calling Tae. She pressed the phone to her ear as she listened for the ring of the phone coming from somewhere in her backyard. In the corner, behind the petunias, Jiwoo heard the ring of a cellphone, then a laugh.

Her blood froze in her veins as she heard the laugh — a laugh she knew all too well. The only difference was that the laugh she had grown to love now had a sinister vibe to it. Jiwoo dropped her phone, which fell into the bucket of water that she put out for stray cats.

Jiwoo screamed as her boyfriend stepped out behind the flowers. His hair glistened in the moonlight, but so did his knife. She turned to run up the stairs, throwing her screen door open as Yoongi sprinted down the yard towards her, the knife coming within inches of her every time.

She ran upstairs, choosing a basic hiding spot of a closet to hide from her doom. Downstairs, she heard the door slam shut, and she held her breath. Time went in slow motion.

A maniac laugh was let out by Yoongi as he announced a memory that was Jiwoo’s favorite.

“I'm here to take you away, baby girl.”

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