Epilouge [full]

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No words could describe the absolute sadness that took over Jiwoo’s mother’s body as she saw the police cars and paramedics gathered around her house. Her mind raced with the worst ideas, but none of it compared to the truth. She removed her heels and hid her current trap phone in the bushes before walking up to confront the police, not risking getting arrested when she had a son to pick up the next morning from his friend’s house.

As Jiwoo’s mother asked a cop about what had happened, her mouth fell slack open as she saw a gurney with a body bag on top pass behind him, followed by another. “Ma’am, are you the mother of Geum Jiwoo?”

Jiwoo’s mother nodded, “Yes. What’s happened to her? Is she okay?”

The cop rested his hand on her shoulder, “I’m sorry, Ma’am, but we found her and her killer dead. We couldn’t revive her.”

Jiwoo’s mom fell to her knees in the middle of the street, letting out a sob. Her daughter was dead, and she wasn’t there to stop it. Two cops helped her up, sitting her on the edge of the sidewalk as a female cop came up to comfort the crying mother.


2 days later, Geum Jihu was forced to throw a handful of dirt into her daughter’s grave. The sound of the soil hitting the wooden coffin echoed in her mind, implanting itself as the worst sound she’d ever heard. The worst sight she’d ever seen was her broken mirror in her room, surrounded by two pools of blood and pieces of a broken phone. Jihu refused to stay in that house or town anymore, taking her son and driving off. She just regretted it took her daughter dying to make her do it.

Jiwoo’s dad was informed of his daughter’s murder back in Paris, and he immediately flew down to see her funeral. The CEO of France’s biggest company connected to Seoul was broken by the idea of his daughter not being there. He hated that it took her death for him to return home.

Min Yoongi’s family agreed to pay all of Jiwoo’s funeral expenses, but Jihu refused. She wanted to be there for her daughter, despite the fact she couldn’t that night. They admitted that Yoongi had called out for help because he feared he was going insane, but they ignored his pleas for help. They hated that it took their son’s and Jiwoo’s death to realize that he really needed help.

The newspapers had turned the Murder-Suicide case as a ‘twisted turn on Romeo and Juliet’. Both families hated the fact that the media tried to romanticise their children’s deaths.

Everyone hated someone, and everyone still hates someone.

Even you, reader; maybe you should stop hating that one person before you end up with dacryspeare.

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