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creep: still ignoring me?

creep: you really don’t want to make me mad

jiwoo: leave me the hell alone, im serious

creep: now thats no way to talk to me

creep: and today, at school, your little boy toy came up to talk to me

creep: why the fuck did you tell him about me

creep: im giving you one more chance, shut the fuck up about what i tell you, or else it won't be pretty

creep: im sure you've established i know more about you than you want me to know

creep: so don't test my knowledge on you, or else you might get more than you bargained for

creep: and mine and yoongi's stories don't exactly line up, do they? so you can't really call the cops.

creep: you're stuck with me, no matter what you do.

READ — 3:56 A.M.

[‘jiwoo’ has logged off!]

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