Ten years after

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"I can not stand this boss any more, he demands too much from us," said one of the employees. "Yes, I too would like to change jobs, but I can not. I earn a good salary here and the benefits are good. The only thing that makes this job difficult is this boss, "another employee said. Hakyeon watched as these business colleagues complained about their boss. The same boss he had known 10 years earlier and who now resembled nothing of the man of his childhood. Leo had changed. At first, Hakyeon was shocked to see him again after all these years. He had often thought of him, without really making any effort to find him. Nor did he know what he could tell him if he ever saw him again. Yet Leo stood in front of him, his face tense and without compassion in the tone of his voice. Hakyeon had hesitated a few moments before daring to approach him and to extend his resume. Leo took the document and threw it on his desk. "Go and see your team leader, he will explain the content of your work," he said before turning to a pile of documents on his desk. Hakyeon was fired without even having had time to open his mouth. He bowed and walked toward the door. As soon as he got out of his new boss's office, he took a deep breath. He thought he was suffocating in that office. This man was cold. How could Leo have changed so much? What had happened in his life to make him so detestable?

Hakyeon had spent a week now in his new job. A week of hell. A week to realize that his boss was a crazy man. Leo was frightened. His employees were obliged to comply with each of his orders for fear of losing their jobs. Leo was demanding and he accepted no fault. He often organized meetings to learn about the evolution of current projects. The employees went there with fear in their stomachs. Normally, they all knew that Leo did not often give words of encouragement. On the contrary, he was good at criticism, and his employees often ended in tears. Hakyeon had witnessed all this and he did not understand. Sure, the Leo he knew was a mere student, not a businessman. But also the Leo he knew was a sensitive and loving man. He was so glad that Leo did not recognize him, otherwise he did not know how he could behave in front of this new man. Hakyeon plunged back into his memories:

10 years before:

"Here. Eat it fast before the end of the break. There's only two minutes left, "Leo said with a breathless voice. Breathless? Why was Leo out of breath? Where could he come from? Asked Hakyeon. He saw Leo handing him a plastic bag with a big smile. Hakyeon took the bag and opened it. He then saw an ice tray. He questioned Leo. "You said it was so hot, and you would die just  to have an ice cream. So I went to get you one, "said Leo, still smiling. He seemed proud of him. Proud of being able to fulfill a wish of Hakyeon. Hakyeon noticed the sweat on his forehead and on his arms. His shirt was also wet. Leo had to run all the way to get him an ice cream and return before the end of the break. Leo had done this for him. He had sacrificed his own person just to please him. Just because he, Hakyeon, had expressed the desire to refresh himself. Hakyeon felt his heart fill with joy. None of his friends had ever done that for him. Yet this Jung Taekwoon, a man with whom he had become a friend recently, treat him as the most important thing in the world. "Eat fast, there's not much time left," Leo shouted before opening the ice and beginning to put a few mouthfuls in Hakyeon's mouth. He had to stop after a few seconds when he saw the face of his new friend. Hakyeon seemed to be about to cry. " What is happening ? Did I say or do something wrong? » Leo asked. Hakyeon shook his head. A few tears began to fall on Hakyeon's face, but he dried them very quickly and took another few mouthfuls of ice. "Thank you, you're really a very good friend," said Hakyeon between two mouthfuls. Leo smiled even more. He was happy to finally have a friend, especially if he was as cute as Hakyeon.

Hakyeon could not concentrate on his course. He was still thinking about his friend's gesture during the break. He was now used to spending his breaks on the balcony of his school with Leo. They did not talk about great things. Their topics of discussion often revolved around courses and students in their class. Sometimes they could also talk about the girls who were still running behind Leo and threatening to hurt Hakyeon. As always, Leo promised he would protect him. They had never done anything more. They greeted each other in the morning, went to school, ate together at noon, went back to classes, and in the evening they said goodbye before seeing each other the next day. Hakyeon now blamed himself for not making more effort to know more about his friend. He had spent several months in the same class without ever talking to each other, and now that they were friends, they exchanged nothing but trifles. Hakyeon was ashamed of himself. Leo was a good person. A person who would rather sacrifice his break just to satiate the pleasure of a friend. Leo was really a good friend and Hakyeon realized that he should keep it treasured. "Psst, hey, were you and Leo actually going out together?" Asked a classmate just in front of him. " Why this question ? Are you jealous?»  Replied Hakyeon, laughing. The students in the class seemed to be more interested in Leo since he had announced that this man was his boyfriend. Would there be students interested in going out with Leo? He wondered. "No idiot, if Leo is taken this means we can try our luck with the girls," the student replied. "Kim Tae and Cha Hakyeon shut up or you'll be punished," the professor said. "Yes sir," replied the two students.

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