Together forever

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Hakyeon could not sleep knowing his boss was close to him. Indeed, after taking the time to calm Leo, he had left him asleep on the sofa in his living room. Since then, Hakyeon was full of things in his head. He had just lived an emotional evening. His boss, who was in fact his former love, had come to ask him to help him after having treated him with indifference since his arrival in the company. Leo's mother also came to visit him and offered him money to quit his job. What was really going on? Why was Leo looking tired and sad? Leo's mother had told him that her son had promised not to be in contact with him. Was that why Leo had abandoned him ten years earlier? He still remembered very well that cold and sad day when his lover had turned his back on him. He had yelled and cried but Leo had never come back to him. Hakyeon had flooded his voice mail with messages and calls, but he had received no reply. Then he learned that Leo and his family had gone to live abroad. He would not see him again for the rest of his life. At first, Hakyeon wanted to flee this reality, and then he thought he could join Leo if he got good grades in his studies. He could thus obtain a scholarship and continue his studies abroad. But it did not work. With time, Hakyeon had healed his wounds and had a good memory of Leo. He did not, therefore, expect to discover it before him ten years later, and especially he did not expect to have him as his boss. This new Leo frightened him. It was as if he had no more heart, as if he were no longer able to love or feel compassion for others. Was he also injured as a result of their breakdown? Hakyeon had never thought of this hypothesis, he just hated the new Leo, but tonight it was different. Leo was different. It was the same as ten years before. He was able to smile, and Hakyeon could see his fragility. Leo had chosen to leave him, but had he had a choice? Had not his parents forced him to leave? If the answer was YES, then Hakyeon could understand why Leo had become a cold and uncompassionate man. He had to suffer just as Hakyeon had suffered from their separation.

Hakyeon came out of his room. He really could not sleep. He saw Leo lying on the sofa. His blanket had fallen to the ground, so Hakyeon approached him and handed him his blanket. Leo stirred in his sleep and Hakyeon heard him whisper: "please do not hurt Hakyeon." He seemed to be in a dream. Leo's face was tense and he clenched his fists. Then Hakyeon sat down beside him and stroked his hair. The contact of the hand of Hakyeon on his hair, made Leo calm down. He was more relaxed and continued to sleep peacefully. But this was not the case for Hakyeon. On the contrary, he felt more and more uncomfortable. What threat  was weighing on Leo or on him? Why did Leo keep telling him he was going to protect him? And especially against whom or what Leo wanted to protect him? Hakyeon was now sure of one thing. Leo's parents had forced him to break up with him. And now that they had found each other, they were still trying to separate them by offering him money. No, he was definitely not going to take those five million. He had loved Leo with all his heart and he felt that he would still be able to continue loving him if Leo still wanted him. For the time being, he had to stay by his side and protect him too. Leo must have really suffered alone during these ten years. Hakyeon got up and went back to his room. He had made a decision. He would support Leo no matter what choice he was going to make. He wanted to know the truth. He wanted to know if Leo still loved him.

Hakyeon got up tired in the morning. He had not yet slept. He quickly ran into the living room to see Leo, but the apartment was empty. Leo was gone. He had left a message on the table: "Thank you for the night. Leo ". Nothing more. No kisses, no emotions, nothing. Just a cold thank you on a white sheet. Hakyeon felt disappointed. He thought he had found his old friend, but Leo seemed to have become the cold, distant man again. The rest of the day agreed with Hakyeon. Upon his arrival at the office, Leo had once again become the boss all employees hated. As usual, he had convened a meeting, criticized the employees' work, and then returned to his office to settle business. He had treated Hakyeon as if he were a stranger, as if they had not slept under the same roof last night. Hakyeon felt lost. This man completely routed him. Then he remembered his determination last night. He had promised to support Leo whatever his choice, so if Leo saw only one employee through him, then Hakyeon would only be an employee until Leo opens his heart to him one day. With his determination, Hakyeon worked the rest of the day without complaining. At the end of the day, there was still one thing left for him to do. He got up from his chair and knocked at the door of his boss. "Come in," said Leo's voice. Hakyeon took his courage in both hands and opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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