The answer

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"Go out with me Yeonie. Became my boyfriend and I swear I would protect you. " These words kept repeating themselves in Hakyeon's head. How could Leo ask him that? They had nothing in common, no love between them. Hakyeon acknowledged that he still felt weak before his boss, but he could not call it love. So why did Leo want to go out with him? Was he trying to do to him more harm? Under the shock of the demand of his boss, Hakyeon had opened his mouth wide without knowing what to say. He did not expect Leo's presence or his confession. He just wanted to run away and be away from that man. Then he had followed his instinct and had left the bathroom without giving Leo an answer. Since then, his head tortured him. He could not help making a comparison between his life before, when he was with Leo, and the new life in which his old love was no more than a stranger. He had lost his sleep and still had spent the night turning over in his bed. In the morning he was tired and depressed. He still had two hours left before the start of his working day, but Hakyeon had preferred to leave early. He could not sleep and had a lot of work waiting, so much to enjoy. He pressed the button of the elevator and climbed on at the arrival of the latter. There were not many people at this time of day. He had taken the time to drink coffee to give himself more energy, but his body weighed like a ton on him. He was exhausted.

As soon as Hakyeon pushed open the door of his workplace, he saw a human form. A man had just used coffee and headed for his boss's office. Hakyeon rubbed his eyes and looked again. No, it was not an illusion. His boss was standing in front of him. The first reflex of Hakyeon was to turn to escape. He was not ready to face him, not so early in the morning. But Leo's voice stopped him. " Where are you going ?» Asked his boss. Hakyeon hesitated. What could he tell him ? That he did not want to talk to him or see him? Impossible, they worked in the same department. "I ... I ..." Hakyeon began. "If you came early to work on a project you can do it. I too have a lot of work so I'm going to my office, "Leo said, cutting it off. Then his boss walked to his office before closing the door behind him. Hakyeon breathed a sigh of relief. Leo was no longer in his field of vision, but could he really stay in this room alone knowing that his boss was right next door? He shook his head and gave himself courage. He had to forget Leo. Hakyeon then went to his office and began his work.

A few minutes passed, and Hakyeon was so focused on his work that he forgot his boss's presence in the next room. He was then surprised to feel a hand slip at his waist and a kiss to settle on his neck. Hakyeon jumped up and stood up, jostling the person holding him in his arms. He was shocked to see the face of his boss. What did he still want? "Leo, I ..." Hakyeon began. But Leo took him in his arms and continued to lay kisses on his neck. "Have you reflected on my proposal Yeonie ? I'd like to hear you say yes, "Leo whispered. Hakyeon felt lost. He could not understand it. He felt Leo lift him up and make him sit on the desk. Then he pulled his legs apart and clung to him. Hakyeon would have wanted to shout and reject him, but these kisses and caresses he knew them too well and he felt his desire rise to the surface. The softness of his touch, the sweet taste of his lips, the desire to touch him ... everything. All of this. Hakyeon remembered everything.

Ten years earlier:

"Catch the ball, Hakyeon," Leo shouted. Hakyeon ran with all his might, but the ball escaped. He was not good at sports games and he knew it. He wanted to impress Leo, but his choice was not the right one. On the contrary, Leo was on the brink of annoyance because the other team was killing them. They were going to lose the game. Hakyeon ran again but his feet slipped and he found himself on the ground. Leo rushed to him. " Are you OK ? Are you hurt ?» He asked. Hakyeon shook his head. He had scratched his knee as he fell. It hurt him very much, but he did not want to worry Leo. "I'm fine," he replied. Then Leo helped him stand up. "I'll go with you to the infirmary," Leo said. "No, I have nothing and I am able to go there alone. Besides, you have to win this game for us.» Said Hakyeon. Leo seemed hesitant but Hakyeon offered him a smile of encouragement. Leo hugged him for a few seconds then resumed his match. Hakyeon walked to the infirmary, taking care that Leo did not notice his pain. By passing the wall leading to the infirmary, Hakyeon was shocked. Several girls were gathered together and seemed to be waiting for someone. They all had an object in their hands: either a ruler, a stick, a bottle ... One of the girls crossed Hakyeon's gaze and pointed at him: "Cha Hakyeon, today you're going to die," she said .

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