The dilemma

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"Ah, you're back. Come and see my new mall project, "said Leo's father. The latter had no desire to discuss. He had just spent the worst days of his life. Hakyeon had rejected him and one of the suppliers of his company refused to make his delivery a week earlier. Leo had tried to bargain all day but nothing. His supplier said he was unable to speed up delivery. He then left his office tired and angry. Should he still bear the criticisms of his father? He had no desire to argue with him, nor with anyone else. "Another time, father, I'm tired," Leo said. "No, come here. It will not be long. Come see my new masterpiece, "said his father, smiling. Leo knew that his father's smile was not a good omen. He walked into the living room and walked over to the model on the table. The miniature of the new shopping center showed the presence of several luxury shops, an aquatic center, a cinema and even a sports center. Everything was there to make a rich customer happy. The construction of this shopping center is expected to cost millions but when it is ready, it should bring a lot of money back to the family. Leo was not surprised. His father had made the legacy of his family grow by investing in this type of project. Since then, he could not stop. Leo had grown up without his parents who had always put the money in front of their own son. " It's pretty. It should sell well, "Leo commented. "Yes, I'm sure, I already know how much I would sell each store. Moreover, the investment should not cost me too much as the land where this center is going to be built belongs to me already, "says Leo's father. This last sentence attracted the attention of Leo. He knew it. His father had not called him to admire his new project. No, he was threatening him. "You can not father," Leo murmured. " Why ? I do what I want with my money, "replied his father.

"You promised you would not touch him," Leo said. "I promised on one condition : that you never see him again. But you lied to me and betrayed me, "said his father. "No, I did not lie. I swore I would never see Hakyeon again and I kept my promise, "Leo said. His father then took from his pocket an envelope containing photographs. He stretched each picture on the table and confronted his son. "Dare to tell me now that you have not lied to me. This man on these pictures is well Cha Hakyeon and he now works for you. » Said his father. "I confess he is now working for me, but I swear that I have nothing to do with it. I was as shocked as you were to see him enter my office. I did not expect to see him one day, I swear to you, "Leo begged. "Do you think I'm an idiot? If this man chose this business it is because you had to make an offer to him. Said it Leo, did you offer him a place in this business in exchange for his sexual services?» His father asked. "How dare you...?" Leo began. He was angry. How could his father treat him like that? Had he no respect for his own son, or for Hakyeon? "Here I can afford everything. Have you forgotten that I am your father and that it is thanks to me that you live in opulence. You can get angry and scream as many times as you like, but I will only trust you when you have proved your sincerity, "said his father. Leo clenched his fists as hard as he could. He had to calm down. He had to try to negotiate to save Hakyeon. " What do you want ?» He asked his father. "The same thing as ten years ago. I want a marriage, and I have already given you the name of the girl to be married, "replied his father. "I already said yes, I agree to marry this girl, so you do not need to hurt Hakyeon to force me to obey you," Leo said. "You've been saying yes for ten years, but you're not doing anything to make things happen. I want you to announce your engagement before the end of this week. Otherwise I swear that I would destroy the man you love so much, "said his father. Leo knew that he had no choice. He hated himself for not being able to protect a person he loved. Ten years earlier, he was young without enough money to protect his great love Hakyeon. At that time, he wanted to grow up quickly and make a lot of money. Today he was tall, he was also rich, but Hakyeon no longer belonged to him. Hakyeon did not want him anymore. The only thing he could do for him was to do everything he could to make a happy life for him. Leo lowered his head and turned his back on his father. "So I'm waiting for an answer," his father asked. "I would publish the engagement before the end of this week," he murmured before leaving the room. He wanted to go far. Far from his father. Far from his suffering.

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