Rebel Girl

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The first time I ever smoked a cigarette was with Slash and Steven. They had just convinced me to skip school, which I had never done before. We just spent the whole day at Tony Hudson's house listening to records.

"Come on Liz, it's just a cigarette," Slash pleaded.

"Yeah Lizzy it's easy just suck in and inhale," Steven said trying to convince me even more.

"It gives you the most amazing head rush," Slash exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll give it a try. But you guys have got to promise not to laugh if I cough," I gave in.

"Scouts honor," Steven promised.

"Yeah whatever, he just said," Slash added.

"OK but you have to light it for me, Slash," I said as I grabbed a cig from Steven.

"Whatever your little heart desires my girl," Slash said flirtatiously.

I popped the cigarette in my mouth and Slash lit it with a match.

"Now inhale," Steven directed.

I did as I was told and nearly threw up from coughing so hard.

"Holy fuck," I cussed,"how do you guys do this everyday?"

"Practice makes perfect," Slash smirked.

From then on I smoked like a fucking chimney. Word of advice for anyone reading this, smoking is the biggest waste of time and money. Slash's own mother Ola died a few years ago from lung cancer and since then Slash has quit numerous times.

Anyways Slash's dad Tony, was this super rad British dude who let Slash have a lot of freedom. He even invited us kids to one of his grownup parties, but that's another story.

Over time I kept hanging around with Slash and Steven more and more. It was like a daily routine. We'd wake up go to Steven's grandmas house where she'd make us breakfast. Then we'd skip class go to Tony's smoke some pot, listen to records and just chill. All was fine and dandy until report cards came out. Let's just say my mother was not very happy with my grades.

"It's those god damn boys Claire!" my mother yelled.

"You can't blame Slash and Steven mom." I argued, "This is who I am, this is who I'm supposed to be. They've made me realize that. All I want to do is play music."

"School is more important you know this Claire!" She pleaded.

"But mom I could drop out now and help pay the rent. Our band is really taking off, Slash's dad wants us to play at his party next weekend. The Rolling Stones are gonna be there mom," I reasoned.

"I get where you're coming from but you're only fifteen years old," my mother added.

"That's the thing, I'm 15 and I have talent. I know what I want to do with my life and you always told me to follow my dreams." I said.

"Okay I'll make you a deal. If you promise to finish grade your grade ten I'll let you drop out."

"Oh my god thank you thank you thank you!" I screamed in excitement.

"But if this whole band thing doesn't work out, you're going back."

"I won't let you down Ma," I promised as I hugged her.

That night I told the boys about the good news. By now they were classified as "Drop outs" considering they almost never went to school.

"That's fucking rad!" Slash cheered while opening another bottle of jack.

"Ya Liz, you're going to finish your grade ten in like 2 months then you're freeeeee," Steven said obviously drunk off his ass.

"Then we can start booking gigs," I said as I took a swig from Slash's bottle.

"I'd like to make a toast," Slash slurred, "This year has been the greatest year of my fucking life, and it's all because of Lizzy motherfucking Klemons !"

"Whooooo Liiiiizzzzyyy !" Steven yelled.

We all took a swig from the bottle and discussed our set list for Tony's party.

Our first official gig.


Author's note: The story is gonna jump time a bit so sorry if the story gets confusing as fuck. My apologies.

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