It's Him

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^^^ If The picture doesn't show up let me know but That's Alpha Hades

Crow’s POV
 Something didn't sit right with me and I jumped up from my bed and ran to Jude's room - I found it empty so he must have wandered off after patrol I mind linked him to come home in which he replied I sat on his bed and rubbed my chest my wolf didn't like what was going to happen ‘’Dad”Reaper said, his blonde hair sticking up in places. ‘’Whats wrong buddy?”I asked him he walked over and kneeled and put his head in my lap ‘’My wolf is upset and wont let me sleep’’he whimpered and as soon as he said that Salem came barreling into Jude's room Jamieson  behind him ‘’Are you okay where is Jude?”He asked rushed, I whimpered and closed my eyes ‘’I dont know....I dont know’’I said, I felt tears start to fall and Salem came and bundled me up in my arms all I can think of were is Jude.

Jude’s POV

I woke up in a soft room the bed was soft I ran my fingers over the bedding and jumped up my wolf is starting to wake up, (JUDE PLEASE ANSWER ME) Crow yelled through the mind link my wolf was whining hearing Crow cry and Salem begging me to answer (Dad??) I asked through the mind link (JUDE OH GODDESS YOU ARE OKAY!) Crow yelled- I winched and Salem spoke (They said they would give you back but since Alpha Hades is doing his rounds looking for his mate male or female you must wait a week before you can come back) Salem spoke, his voice soft (I want to leave now) I whimpered, Salem and Crow were both shut off and my wolf fell asleep again. I trudged to the door and opened it to see the hall filled with many she wolfs and he wolfs I noticed the pack doctor's son and ran up to him ‘’Levi does your wolf feel weird?”I asked, he nodded. ‘’My dad said they put our wolves so we dont have that much power’’he spoke. I nodded and stood next to him, I was tall about 5'5 but Levi was normal size about 6'0 he was buff while i was more lean. ‘’Alright mutts get dressed up you have the first dinner with the Alpha in an hour’’A gard said, We all scurried to our rooms I got into the shower and let my black hair soak under the water I washed my body and my hair and got out and looked around seeing a closet of clothes and I’ve never been one to dress up so I just got a pair of black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and black button with a red tie I dried my hair and brushed it when the room started to get blurry and my chest started to burn, It soon went away but not before a small batman tattoo made itself home on my skin it burned and I hissed and a knock on my door “66 lets go!!”A man yelled, I rolled my eyes and hurried out of the room everyone was dressed and suits and long dresses and they all rolled there eyes at me we soon walked into this big gathering hall and I ended up by Levi again ‘’You are so underdressed’’He chuckled ‘’I know because i'm hoping that Alpha Hades won't even turn an eye to me since i am’’I said. We all sat at this elegant dining table and Beethoven's 5 Secrets was playing in the background and I felt my wolf sterr inside of me and I caught whiff of a scent that smells like Pineapple and Oak, ‘’Head down and Respect The Alpha’’one of the wolves said, I ignored that smell and looked down and started to eat my nose started to smell that smell but stronger I looked and it was the girl sitting next to me she had long Rudy red hair and emerald green eyes she was thin but busty I was about to say something when the big arched doors slammed open to reveal a man that made my wolf whine his Jaw was slacked and you here him panting from miles away like he just ran a mile I couldn't get a look at his eyes but he had long enough hair to run fingers through his bulky build would catch anyone off guard ‘’Where is he?”his voice shouted and that made me quiver, Then my eyes meet his and my wolf said one word that made me jump in my seat (Mate) ‘’Who? Sir”The lady said - the man took his eyes off of me and that gave me a chance to sneak out of the room and down the hallway I was headed outside to run when a loud growl was let out of someone it shook the walls ‘’FIND HIM NOW HE IS MY MATE””The voice yelled, My wolf whined at me to stop but i kept running I went to round a corner of the hall but someone grabbed my tie and dragged me into a room I was slammed against the wall and the smell hit me ten times harder but it wasn't the girl at the table who had me by the tie it was the Alpha.....Alpha Hades. ‘’Hey man let me go you are choking me’’I said. The Alpha in front of me dropped my tie and I got a close look at him his eyes made me want to drown in a black mass if i could see them everyday.his hair was long on one side and shave on the other side his tattooed arms held me up his jaw was sharp he brought his hand up to careless my face ‘’My wolf has waited centuries for yours to be reborn again’’His said, ‘’I’ve waited forever to meet you and am not letting you go mate’’he said, My wolf was overjoyed and I was too but I had one question ‘’Alpha Hades is my mate?”I asked, The male in front of me laughed ‘’I forgot am known....Yes! and you are so beautiful’’he whispred to me, I felt my eyes roll back into the back of my head.

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