"It's What I Do"

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Barry had a lot of case files to catch up on at the CCPD, but there wasn't any place for Steve to go, so of course, he took him with him.
"What's this place?" Asked Steve as they were walking through CCPD.
"It's the Central City Police Department. It's where I work," Barry said to Steve as they began to walk up the stairs.
"So you basically have two jobs. Police and superhero. Cool," said Steve.
"So I guess just sit...uhh don't touch that! Or that!" Said Barry as he tried to keep Steve from ruining his lab.
"Sorry. Is it hard to do two different jobs?" Steve asked as he only has one, saving the world.
"Sometimes it can get a little difficult. Especially when your out being the Flash, and your boss say, 'Where's Allen?' So yeah it can be," replied Barry.
"I wish I had a secret identity so whenever I walk down the street people aren't like,OMG! It's Captain America!' It gets annoying after a while," said Steve.
"Well lets make you one."

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